For a mere $1, 900, CSI claims to provide high quality resume and letter writing, focused research to find the right hiring manager for your executive-level position, a skills assessment, getting you interviews and offers in 6-8 weeks. Shame on me for believing them!
After paying the initial $950, they provided a resume that was not even close to my background, experience, or desired job description. The "focused, personalized research" was a hodge-podge of companies, more like a shotgun blast than a targeted approach. I have done better research using Reference USA from the public library. They had no clue about what a Professional Services executive does, or who would be interested in hiring them -- although they claimed to have worked with many PS executives. And, they refuse to give me the details of their research so that I could help THEM target the right hiring managers. They didn't provide the skills analysis stated on their website, and their so-called certified expert provided less than what you can find on your own. They are only interested in collecting their fees, definitely not high quality, executive-level employment or job search.
You can find similar services for less than $800, which includes everything that CSI claims, and more willing to work WITH you.