Are my resumes really being received by employers?
I might be relying too heavily upon CareerBuilder, as I don't think ALL of the resumes I submit are actually received by the employer?
There is no verifyable way to confirm that the employer is actually receiving the resume, other than the automatic email generated by CB and received immediately.
Two days ago I sent a resume through CB to a firm where I happen to know someone. It was the second time within a week that I had sent my resume to them, as I had also sent one to them last week. Today I called my friend who works there to find out if my resume was received. It was not. I spoke with the office manager who looked through all she had as we were on the phone and she said there was nothing there from me; this, after sending it twice??
My confidence in CareerBuilder, as well as the rest of the online employment sites, has become abruptly shaken to say the very least. I'm wondering how many other resumes I've sent that have just not gone through to the prospective employer -- besides the two that I know about!
Unfortunately, I don't have a solution to suggest, other than just providing emails of the employers, and I know very well that won't fly. Nonetheless, I think this is an issue that should most definitely NOT be left unattended! At this point, a good part of my livelihood is in your hands and I'm not feeling very good about that!
I wonder if the employers who use CB know about this faulty system. Apparently not!