I got married on Sept. 4, 2010 and tried to go on my honeymoon on Sept 5, 2010. I paid for 6 tickets. I plain this trip about 9 - 10 months in advance. It was a large group going with me on my honeymoon, including my 4 children. This is my 6 - 7 time cruising with Carnival cruise line and my new husband second time. last year year I brought him to see if he would enjoy it so that we can come back for our honeymoon. He enjoyed himself so much he paid as soon as we got back. I got to the front of the line and the lady started asking for my documents and she even asked me for my six year old I.D. I had to let her know all I had was his birth certificate. My new husband packed his birth certificate in our lugage, instead of his carry on so they would not let him go on. They saw that he was a pass guest. I explained to the supervisor what happened and they wanted me to have someone fax over a copy from home, but my entire family was with me. Me and my husband had to stay back and send my 17, 12, 11, and 6 year old son's with their aunt and uncle while me and myhusband had to stay her in California for our honeymoon. This cruise was planed just for my honeymoon. Last year the cruise line did not ask for any of our documents and they was not rude like these other individual were. I had to give them all my documents, because they did not ask for them. This supervisor wanted me to go on the cuise by myself and have my husband go home get his birth certificate and take a bus to Puerto Vallarta, tring to be funny. We ask did we have enough time to go get the birth certificate and the told us no, but the boat did not sail off for 2-3 hours later. Because I had to wait for my bags and I was talking to upset family the entire time that I was downstairs waiting. My son's cried the entire time. This was the most horrible way to spend your honeymoon.
I would like this resolved as soon as possible. Ms. Shaunta Ni McKinney