Carphone Warehouse

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23 Brierley Close, Dunstable, England|Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Phone number: 07894 355843

Carphone Warehouse Reviews

Régis Auckland March 11, 2011
New up grade phone suffers from poor signal
Best Wishes


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: regis auckland <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, 11 March, 2011 8:58:20
Subject: Fw: Complaint

Dear Mr Charles Dunstone

I wish you to be aware of the appalling service I have received from the Carphone Warhouse today and the lack of resolve to my complaints.

What they have done is not fair, decent or moral and I wish you to help me resolve this issue.

Yours sincerely

Mr Régis Auckland

Copy of letter to Carphone Warehouse below

Yesterday I was contacted by your South African call centre at 02.07 pm offering me an upgrade. Your representative was on the phone for 22.57 minutes selling me the upgrade and left little opportunity for me to respond.

My concern with the existing phone was the poor signal that I have at my address with O2, she said it was down to the antenna on my old phone and there would be no problems with the new upgrade. This she reiterated at least twice.

Today I received my new phone, no contract or notification of the terms agreed, just an envelope stating that:

“Important – Read before opening” Please note that by inserting the enclosed SIM card into a handset and using it, you have signified your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions enclosed and will NOT be able to return the handset or cancel the airtime contract under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000

My complaints are:

a) I have a new/replacement phone that does not pick up an O2 signal in my home, and cannot be set up because of this.

b) My present contract with O2 expires on Saturday and cannot be extended making my old phone useless from this Saturday while I am away on a business trip in France and that nothing can be done about it.

c) Although I have not used the new SIM I cannot return the phone or ask to be change to T Mobile or Orange, both work well on my son’s identical Black Berry Pearl phone in my house.

d) That the 14 days cooling off period is null and void because I had the audacity to not just look at the phone and just see if it was attractive enough to use, but to check the signal strength!

I spent from 12.00 hours until 15.15 hours today trying to resolve the problems with the Carphone Warehouse re the poor signal and the fact that I would have no phone to use from this Saturday while on a business trip in France.

Table of events

1) At 12.00 hours I received the new phone and found out the signal on the new phone is just as poor as the old.

2) That I cannot set up the 3D on the phone as the signal so poor.

3) I then made contact with the Carphone warehouse and spoke to Jennifer re the problems, Jennifer just kept stating that because I had used the phone that I had entered into the contract which could not be broken unless the upgrade had been miss sold to me. That they would make contact with South Africa and listen to the taped conversation to see if there had been any miss selling this would take 72 hours which she later change to 5-7 days.

4) I explained about the terms on the envelope containing the new SIM and that I had not used this SIM. She said that I had used the phone and that the contact was now automatically in place. Jennifer said it was dependant on the outcome of the taped conversation as to whether the phone would be replaced. That I was to use the new SIM and see if that improved the signal, to this I said no as it would break the implied terms written on the SIM envelope

5) I then spoke to a man from returns who said also stated that regardless of what the message on the new SIM envelope said that I had used the phone and therefore had entered into a contract with yourselves regardless of whether the phone worked or not.

6) I again spoke to Jennifer who put me onto a Sarah from your company and again no joy, I would have to wait and if I wasn’t prepared to try the new SIM go without a phone until the outcome of taped conversation. Sarah said that I could not return the phone until then

7) I went down to the Carphone Warhouse in Dunstable and was helped by 2 young ladies who were a credit to Carphone Warehouse. I told them of my plight and they said there should be no problem to change network or phone as I had 14 days grace, I hadn’t used the SIM and even if I had if I had gone to them to renew my contract the phone would have been changed anyway. They made contact with your offices, who again said there should be no problems in changing networks or phone. They then looked at my file and said there were a lot of notes and made contact with the complaints department. They were told as I had already complained there was nothing they could do until the matter had been investigated. The young ladies then tried to contact a senior manager via e-mail re my complaint only to find the guy was on holiday until the 14th of this month. This tok about one and a half hours in total.

I have been a customer of Carphone Warhouse for a quite a few years without hitch; today I have lost all faith in common sense, fairness, and the management at your concern. My business trip to France will have to be without a mobile from Saturday and no phone until 5-7 day’s time. I am assuming to rub salt in the wounds that this 5-7 working days not including today!!!

I am giving myself time to cool down before I contact outside sources to help with my treatment and claim. I shall not let this case rest I assure you.

Mr R E G Auckland
yellowpearl December 7, 2010
poor customer service
I have just spent over an hour with carphone warehouse on the phone...
I bought a Nokia c3-00 off the internet; due to the adverse weather I still haven’t received my phone five days later.
I went into their local shop and found that they had the same phone i had ordered, I asked them if I could have one instead because there is a delay in the delivery, the staff were awful and said no you will have to wait for the delivery.
Thats brought me back to my hour on the phone, they gave me two choices;
A) Cancel my order, the phone cost £70, only get back £60 and lose the £10 payg
B) Or buy the one from the shop, pay another £70 and wait for the delivery to be returned back to warehouse, then it could take after that 14 days for a refund.
Where is the customer service in that, they have said i should get it by Friday, that is 10 days later, i’m paying for the poor service from DHL, we have been getting bread and milk for the past three days and yet DHL are still not coping.
agoodjohn June 19, 2010
LG chocolate phone
Butterman November 6, 2009
Unauthorized billing
On 16 April2009 I talked to a Talk Talk representative (F.R. ID. TTE85531192), in Morrisons store in Morecambe. I was told that it was likely that Tiscali, my current phone and broadband supplier would be going bankrupt and then I would be stuck with no phone or broadband. I was quoted £16.74 a month for call plan Talk UK anytime. I explained I wanted to transfer my broadband as well and was told that would cost altogether 21.74 a month but that it could not be done in the store. She told me to ask for my MAC code from Tiscali and in about 10 days Talk Talk would ring me and I was to give them the MAC code and my nectar card number and they would sort that out for me. I signed a contract for Call plan Talk UK Anytime for £16.74.

I received a welcome letter and pack and I got my MAC Code from Tiscali but no one rang. The MAC Code is valid until 16/05 so today I rang them to ask about the broadband. I was told that with broadband the plan would cost £36.74. I was also told that the salespeople should not have quoted me £21.74 as it was undoable. I was advised to contact Offcom and complain. I then rang head office of Carphone Warehouse where I registered my complaint but was given no apology and no redress just the address of Carphone Warehouse.

Eventually was contacted by talk talk person and settled for an apology and three months free calls.
Holdon November 5, 2009
Awful service
I took a mobile contract out with Caphone Warehouse in January 2009 where I was on a high tariff due to the value of the phone. The network provider was 02 and the handset was the new Nokia Arte Carbon.

Within the first 16 days I declared the handset faulty and was advised by the Branch Manager of the store in Manchester where I had taken the phone out, that due to length of time being over the 7 days, I was unable to cancel the contract but he would do what he could to ensure that the handset was replaced with a new working handset.

It took Carphone Warehouse over 4 months to acknowledge my complaint regarding my handset. During this time, I made various phone calls to the store manager and head office, wrote letters as per their complaints process enquiring about the status of complaint and how long it would be before my handset was replaced. But no-one could help me and instead I was passed from person to person. At the same time I was expected to make my monthly premiums for the line rental and also the insurance despite the phone not working to its full capacity.

In April 2009 I then liaised with OFTEL who advised that I would need a “deadlock letter” from Carphone Warehouse before they could intervene. It was during my request to the Head Office for this letter that it had come to light that my complaint and the numerous conversations that I had, had with the Branch Manager of the store in Manchester, were never recorded on my file! So the numerous promises and re-assurances that he had made were not only false but there was no record of them anywhere. It was at this point Carphone Warehouse also refused to cancel the contract or provide me with a new handset, instead I was told to choose another handset which was of a different value and range!

I then escalated my concern to the Regional Manager of Manchester – Ian Jude – who provided me with an immediate resolution based on the numerous legislations that had been broken by Carphone Warehouse, whereby I wanted the contract to be cancelled, the handset to be returned and any money owed to me to be returned. He agreed to this minus any compensation and within a few days requested me to return the handset and agreed a monetary figure (the value of the premiums) with me which he and a lady from the Head Office had agreed to raise in a cheque immediately to allow me to pay off the mobile provider myself.

However, after returning the handset and requesting an early settlement request from my mobile provider, Carphone Warehouse the decided to disputed the amount and refused to issue the cheque until I, as the customer, provided them with prove why they should issue me with the cheque or the value agreed.

So not only was I left with no phone, I was left with an early settlement invoice that needed to be paid by a deadline otherwise I will have defaulted with the network provider and no money to do this with! I am now still chasing Carphone Warehouse on numerous occasions to find that once again I am just being passed from one person to another, and also provided with very conflicting information. Not to mention all of this as a cost to me.

I would appreciate any advice or support to this as I really do not know what to do or who to turn to. I have spent so much money in phone calls/letters and also am finding that I am getting no where.
October 28, 2009
Not following policy
The story is that the company provided me with a phone that was a replacement for my insurance phone that i lost but they do not have that in stock and so offered me an alternative which was not up to standard that the phone that i was paying my contract for.Once this issue was resolved and they offered me a phone which was upto the specification of my original phone then i accepetd on recipt of the phone when i took it home i found out that the phone had a fault and returned it to the shop. once the manager at the shop recived the phone and said and identified that the phone did have a fault he said that i would be eligible for a exchange of a phone as the carphone warehouse has a policy that states that a phone which recives a fault within 28days would be exchanged without question. once this was sated to the 10 carephone warehouse employees that i spoke to they agreed with what i was saying and said the policy was right but they could not get me a phone which i do not understand as they do not have it in stock so why are they charging me for insurance if they cannot provide the service they are offering and the policy which i and they have signed. so what make them say that i have to adhere to my policy??? i have spokmen to the company on more than 10 occasions and they only can offer me to repair the phone which i should not have to do as there policy states a replacement of the phone on any fault on the phone the insurance company has played there part by providing the phone to me but carephone warehouse have not as they have not followed there policy and i want answers as to why not and why should i have to follow my policy???
October 27, 2009
Simply bad
I have been a customer of talk talk for 2 years now and unbeknown to me I have been billed for caller display form the start of my contract. I have only been made aware of this today and did not request this facility with my original order. I do not have a phone with caller display capability on it so it is therefore useless to me, whn i advised them of this they told me they would neither credit my account or refund the money for a facility i didn't order and cannoy use. I also requeste to rever back to paper billing as i cannot access my on line account, they did not action this as and when requested so subsequently my account fell into arrears which was brought to my attention via a letter from the company, I peompty settled the outstanding monies but am aggrieved that they seem to be able to act as thet please.
Ebon October 24, 2009
Terrible company
My Story begins back in Novemebr 2008. I purchased a quantity of two of these what seemed fanatastic LG KP500 Cookie touch screen handsets. The plus points being a light, modern touch screen handset with easy to use applications. Not long after obtaining them I noticed both would crash at random intervals. The handset would blue screen. My daughter tried to edit some text onto a picture message using the picture editor only to find that the phone blue screened. I noted mine would freeze. I returned them both within twenty eight days to CPW who without any argument swapped them out. The replacement seemed OK for the next few days but low and behold it happened again with the replacements. Back to CPW who did agree to change them again.

In December the handsets crashed with similar problems but this time the CPW had no stocks left to swap over so I was advised to return in January when new stocks started to move following Christmas. Mid January the handsets were exchanged again but I was told that I would be unlikely to get them exchanged again as I was now outside the twenty eight days. Duning the next month same issues, This time I started looking at the firmware as being the source of the problem I spoke to LG as the firmware was not available on the web. I was advised to return it to a CPW repair centre. Due to work commitments I managed to do this last week. By now I was seeing the camera issues for myself that my daughter was seing. For my work I was having to take images of EPOS installations and when I launched the camera I would get a conflict error. To resolve the error I had to reboot the handset. Also I had now purchased a Ford Mondeo which had a hands free kit. However the Bluetooth would not work with this kit yet my wifes Samsung and my old Nokia handset would. The repair centre replaced the display on each of the handsets. I dont know why, I can only assume that LG have identified a problem with the displays so issued an instruction to replace them and reflashed the firmware to Version 10d. Speedy service really just took a couple of hours and I was hoping this would be the end to all my woes. But No! My daughters phone blue screened when she tried to show a friend a picture of her new dog she had taken on the phone and mine once again returned the conflict error with the camera function. Back to CPW this time to reject the handsets and seek a full refund. Of course the local CPW said no. They advised the company policy that the handsets would have to be returned for repair and the best I could hope for is after three repairs if the handset was still faulty a like for like replacement. They said I would not be allowed to select another brand of handsets. I advised I lost faith in the LG brand and did not want this handset. I rejected the repairs and stated I beleived I was entitled under consumer law to a refund and that is what I wanted. Normally at this point I would lose my temper but as I get older the will to rant and rave has left me. In the past it has won me battles with retailers but now the signs in the shop say I cannot raise my voice or say what I think of the company. I start to see it from a shop employees point of view. They are not paid enough for my anger. My problem is with company policy set out by managers at head office who sit secure behind access controlled doors. I left the store and printed off the four pages of comments I found about issues with this handset all the same as mine. (My problems are not unique to me so that rules out that counter claim) I also printed out the story of another customer who took CPW to court in similar circumstances and won the case. The CPW didn't turn up and the judge agreed on every point for the claimant and I also printed off the web site from the consumer direct web site detailing my rights. Ofcourse I drafted and printed off a formal writen letter to the CPW detailing that I rejected the goods and the reasons why. My hope was that when I returned to the store they would see sense and just refund the sale and allow me to select none LG handsets. But no! they had to stick to the company line. I left and phoned the CPW head office and got no where. By now CPW has been given every oppertunity to resolve this complaint. Yesterday I filed a moneyclaim on line against CPW for the cost of the handsets plus court fee of £25. Now I have taken this action I feel less stressed. I am sure that the precedence was set by the prior court case and now it will only be a matter of time before CPW agree to my rights under the sale of goods act. One thing is for sure this has left a sour taste of the LG Cookie and Carphone warehouse Ltd.
RichG85 October 20, 2009
Mislea sales
I purchased a laptop on 09/10/09 from Westfeild. Upon the purchase there was a disagreement by 2 staff members about the laptop being a demo product. The seal of the box was opened and when questioned why it did not come completely sealed, i was told that the sales agent opened it to check the product in the back office. However after confirming with Leasa Crowe (sales agent) i was assured by her that the manager has agreed it was new. On the box itself it is maked demo and scratched over which the manager thereafter initialled against the scratch to confirm the laptop is brand new.I asked Leasa if she had any other stock of the PC as I was not happy with taking home a tampered box but she said its the last pc left so i asked her if she could order another one for mebecause i was willing to wait and she said that was not possible.I thereafter took their word that the PC was new and Leasa also kept emphasizing that there are NO RETURNS. Upon arrival to my home i switch on the pc, I was appalled to notice all settings were pre-loaded and I was not given the option to set up and configure the settings, unlike a new laptop would start up, also folders were already created. I am quite knowledgeable about laptops and have owned many to know the start up process. Further there is two users created, one being branch login and the other, GIS user. There are also passwords set up (which are unknown to me) restricting me from installing the mobile broadband. I am a first time customer to Carphone Warehouse and i am utterly disgusted with the customer experience. I will surely escalate this matter as i feel as i have been mislead and cheated and sold a demo item, rather than a new one which i have paid for.I have emailed their customer services division and to date still await their response.
Ramadhoss June 21, 2009
I have been having severe problems disconnecting my services with carphone warehouse.
I became their customer in Feb2007 and just a month into the subscription, I realised I had been conned into a deal wherein I had signed up for a 12 month contract.
Upon enquiry about disconnection, I was told that I could not disconnect until the contract expired.
I patiently waited for the expiry date and to my dismay when I called them, I was told that my contract automatically was renewed, without even asking me (perhaps this was part of the contract, I still do not know).
This time, they convinced me to sign another contract, which I realised was another con job.
Now I really wanted to get out of this whole association with carphone. Upon requesting for disconnection, I was asked to write in a request and send by special delivery, which was received on 24 Dec 2008.
There was no response to my request and subsequently when I called to discuss this, I was told Carphone never received such a request.
I delayed my payment so someone would act on this. Nothing happened. Someone from their finance department called up and asked for the bill to be paid threatening with legal action.I paid up and could not really do anything, as I was working abroad.
During another conversation, someone acknowledged receiving my disconnection request, but this time while I tried to record the confirmation/conversation, they disconnected the call.
Someone later gave me a PAC code which did not work with my new provider Vodafone.
I called up again and requested for disconnection and a PAC code. Now, it has been more than 6 months sonce my intial disconnection request and nothing has happened. I keep receiving huge bills every month.
Can someone help? I am planning to sue them asap.


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