I spent most of my savings on this psychic.She told me that my girlfriend would come back to me.Last summer my girlfriend married someone else. She kept keeping me on the phone and really had me believing that my girlfriend loved me and we were going to be together. I was very very vulnerable and I bought into everything she told me. I spoke to other psychics but one kept telling me that Caryfaith was the queen of all psychics.So I stuck with her.
I think consumers should know about fake psychics and the way they false advertise. I thought she was spiritual because she reads the bible. Boy was I wrong! After spending all my money on her I was despondent and she wouldn't even talk to me after that. Nothing she predicted for me ever came true.Nothing!
She kept leading me down the garden path like so many of these psychics do. And I fell for it. I am doing better now and getting my finances in oder but I will never call a psychic again. Please consumers beware. Be careful who you trust on psychic sites. Spend wisely and get references. I hope this doesn't happen to anybody else.