Cash at call promise cash within 24 hours to people with a default against their credit history. Instead, they took a week to finally reject my application for a $5000 loan.
I am 31 yrs old, hardworking, pay my rent and bills on time each month and manage to put $1200 aside each month for a home loan deposit.
I have a bad debt that I am repaying and intend to in full. It was from when I was young, naive and fell into the GE Money trap. I have never skipped a beat with the repayments on the default. My reason for the loan was to pay the the bad debt off in full, establish a good credit rating and buy a home in the next 6-12 months.
Instead, I am in a worse position because now I have the rejection against my name. But the worst part is, they don't even give you a reason! They send your application off to "Head Office", who in my case rejected the application, Head Office won't tell the call centre the reason, and head office dont accept phoner calls!
I was also given pre-approval for the loan before it was sent to Head Office.
So I could have been rejected for any number of reasons and yet according to their website, I tick all the criteria for the type of person they lend money to! No one discusses your application with you. Nobody says, based on the information you have given us, we recommend you ask for less, or whatever! Who knows what the reason was, nobody would speak to me.
Lesson learned people. They don't provide fast cash, they don't provide fast approval. Their website provides false information. The call centre is useless as I assume they pre-approve everything. Even though you meet all the crtiteria, you may be rerjected with no phone call, email and no explanation. The whole thing is a dodgy operation.