Before I bought a brand new house in Corpus Christi, TX, I ran over this website:
An agent named Alfred Vega claimed to give me 2% cash back rebate. He has a couple of websites promoting this cashback. He claimed he can cashback any houses in Texas.
I met this guy twice at a local restaurant. My wife felt a little bit uneasy because he was the type of the person who you know from your first gut is a thief. But I was lured by the 2% cashback.
This crook never cared about what house I bought. He did not take a look at my house, or never talked to the builder. No work whatsoever. When the closing date was close, this crook did not answer any of my phone calls. After the house was closed, he disappeared. Next time I saw him was in the local small-claim court. I won $2, 500 in the court, but this crook ignored the court order and has not paid a penny.
After a thorough investigation, the Texas Real State Commission issued an attorney letter and gave him a warning in his record. The Commission also suggested that I get reimbursement from a recovery fund in the Commission. The attorney letter also suggested that I contact law enforcement agency for mortgage fraud and fraudulent advertising practice in this case. Be aware!