I have in the last 3 days since 9/16/09 been receiving calls from a representative from a legal department
that said that there is a case against me with my bank wamu/chase. This rep who I could barely understand said that I have accepted mony from cashnet into my bank account. No detail as to amount, date of acceptance,
my correct name or the name of his law firm. He said that all he needs to do is download the Affidavit saying I did accept this cash. I gave him a hard time not revealing my ssn, asking who he works for, case# but the person would stumble in what he was saying that he siad its ok we will have somebody serve you court paper tomorrow at 9:00am.
I visited my Wamu/Chase bank branch manager who told me that I do not have any court matter pending with them, and if so would not use a small time attorney who misrepresents himself.
Also I contacted the the Orange County DA for their help, but they advised until there is any court paperwork I should not worry about it at this point.
Since I am presently unemployed have never used an online organization to borrow/download money and certainly not from the internet. My suspicion is that ever since posting my resume, people are now able to access, query, information that was not available before through other means. Maybe my bank, creditors, Affiates or CareerBuilder.com and all the rest have been submitting information about me to these deceptive organizations to extract money or force me to use their service becasue of my work status.
I want others to beware right now how much fraud is going on...