Hello Again,
I hope you aredoing well today.
As you may know, anyone who has ever planned a Workshop will tell you that it’s a big job, and planning a good one takes adequate coordination, focus and a lot of creativity.
In our quest for efficiency and great success of the Workshops, we have decided to outsource the services of a Human Resources/Personnel Consultant, and she will be responsible for planning, directing the application and utilization of members for the workshop.
She will also be responsible for the:
Pre-workshop record keeping
Registration of Prospective Members
Scheduling and allocation of Time-table based on your available days and Time
Compensation and payment
Ensuring utilization of team members and workshop facilities
Provision of Material/Equipment and logistics
Provision of transport facilities for team members (on days available)
Booking meal, tea/coffee breaks, and other miscellaneous
The HR/P Consultant is charging us $4, 851 for the Registration of prospective members and provision of the above services (transportation, scheduling, meals, materials, logistics etc.), and she has advised that it’s vital that you register directly with her, as this process would help her to schedule you on the exact days and time available, and make provision for transportation and vital logistics.
Based on the above procedure, I will forward the sum of $4, 851 to you in order to register directly with the Consultant, as this would enable her schedule you on the days and Time available to work with us. Also, I will send a copy of the list of WORKSHOP CENTRES in your area and the WORKSHOP CALENDAR. This will enable you choose a nearest Centre from the list of Workshop centres, and select the days and time that you will be available from Workshop Calendar.
You should forward name and mailing address in order to send the above.
I have planned a 6 days Christmas holiday with family in Melbourne, Australia.
I look forward to your prompt response.
In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday season
Best regards.
Catherine K. Thornton
10 Buckingham Road
London NW10 4RP.
Tel: (+44) 7466406592