ATT sent my account to CCA of Massechuesetts. I paid on it over a year, sending checks monthly.
In July of 2008 Collection Company of America, with out notifying me sent my account back to ATT. I continued to send checks to CCA. To date I have sent 4 checks that they claim they don't have and tell me that everything in the file was sent to ATT. Att says that they don't have the checks either. Did you know that when you cancel checks in calif the cancellation is only good for 6 months.? The cost of each check is $29.00 So CCA can turn around and cash them later. I live in California, so you know I would have no chance of getting my money back from CCA in Mass.. The checks amounted to $175.00 and I would have had a $60 balance.
ATT then sent my account to Bay Area Collecxtions in northern California. I called them and they said that they sent me a letter telling me that they now have my account and that they are charging me every day. I received no such letter. They refused to give me their address and said that I must have lost the letter that I received from them. The new company has never called or written me since they said they did 3 days after getting my account back in OCtober 2009. ATT finals department claims that their hands are tied and can do nothing to retrieve or find out what has happened to my checks.