I ordered a product from this website, only to find out the seller hasn't had this product in over a year! When I asked about a refund, NO response...so I emailed, and called the seller. After no response, she started sending me harassing emails. and, the address she has on her website, is not a legitimate address. I went through HELL to get my money back, and this psycho lady won't stop sending me harassing emails. DO NOT buy from this scam of a business. Here is just one of the harassing emails:
"You are really something else lady! I am a really nice person and I have respect for ALL of my customers, (until now). You on the other hand, ... well, ... Sellers have a name for Buyers like you...UNWELCOME...and that is the nicer version of what I am thinking about you at this moment. Not only could you not wait 12 hours for Paypal Security to OPEN, on the Sunday. the Sunday before Christmas, ( to I could let them know about your purchase and try to resolve what could have been a security breach within Paypal). No, No, that was not enough for you. You decided to file a claim against me, (even though we had been communicating back and forth through several emails, and you knew that I was going to refund you, because I told you was, IN EVERY SINGLE EMAIL I SENT YOU!), but NO, NO, NO, ... that wasn't enough either. You actually had the nerve, (BALLS), to call me at HOME on a
"FRICKIN" SUNDAY MORNING, to do nothing more than leave me a hateful message...or to BITCH..., (and this is the best part), over 3 tubes of cream, that your precious $15 Paypal payment bought not even 12 hour earlier. And why????... because you did not receive the item within 24 hours? ...Are you serious?????
You must think because I am a Seller, I have a little SUCTION TUBE, ( like at the bank), that leads directly to you, because, of course, you are SO special? What is YOUR problem, have you so little respect for anyone including yourself, that you could care less about anything else? "DUH" like Internet Security??...Here...allow me...YES.
I am SO SO incredibly happy that there was a mistake on the part of Vendio and Amazon, over the listing of this item. As far as Paypal... well, I thanked them earlier, after we finished laughing about your self rightous ignorance. I am SO SO greatful that YOU are NOT, and NEVER will be a customer of mine. You have been blocked from bidding/buying/looking at any item from my Auctions, or my Store, on any and every site I sell on, or will sell on. I have also alerted Vendio, Amazon, eBay and Paypal about your behavior and forwarded them our earlier correspondence emails, along with the VERY rude message you left on my voice box earlier today.
Myself, having a Master Degree in Psychology, I can honestly say, in my opinion, you are exactly the type of person that I could see trying to tamper with or convince someone else to tamper with one of my accounts. If for nothing else, to keep you on your unearned Power Trip, and this is what I told each of the companies listed above along with all of the online Sellers/Buyers and online Store owners that I know. In some countries that could be considered BLACK Listed
You have received your money back, and since I now know that the security breach did not come from my Paypal, or my Autions/Store, perhaps you should check into your own internet security before bidding on anything else online.
Thankfully, the bad KARMA from our correspondence is now over