Ordered free trial of Celebrity teeth product on 1/19/10, trial period was for 14 days from day you ordered. On 1/28/10 they charged my credit card 149.95, ten days from day I ordered. Today I called company and they informed me that the 149.95 was yearly membership fee that entitled me to order my monthly supply of Celebrity product for a mere 12.95 per month. I told them my trial period wasn't up when they charged my card and I wanted a refund. I was told all I could do at that number was cancel, and that I'd have to complain at this website. I have cancelled today the 14th day of my trial period. I should get my money back, and am pleased to send them back their trial period product which I haven't even had time to try.
1) fraudulent because the 149.95 is not presented clearly on the webpage offering free trial, in fact I still can't find it, and the 14 days from day you order period is sort of a tucked away down at the bottom of page -- after you have filled out their big "COME ON" to try it free. I only saw that when I went back today to review page.
2) fraudulent because they give you no phone number to contact regarding mistakes or complaints, in other words we have your money and you are on your own unless you want a lawyer -- which I'm considering
3) theft because they used my creditcard before the trial period was up, and that is unauthorized.
Proof -- the only reason I was able to know about this before my time period was up was because my credit card company called to verify the charge 149.95 - obviously they're a little aware of this kind of scam. Otherwise I wouldn't have found out until way past my deadline - it would have been on next month's charge.
Please do something about this. It is people like this that make you afraid to buy on line.
Thank You, Maureen McConnell 917-733-8412,
[email protected]