This company is just another criminal out there that can get away with robbery. These companies obviously realize that a percentage of people are going to either not understand the terms, not read the terms or forget to make the stupid call to cancel.
This is what America is coming to... completely legal theft. I guess we are all in the wrong business. I too have been swindled into giving a credit card number believing I was getting a great deal on a trial product that I would never be able to afford. Not knowing it would cost me the 149.00 and on top of that the credit card company wasn't helpful to it customer in fighting the charge, but then again why would they? They will make money from the charge also. So in retrospect I have learned not to trust those great deals, never to give my credit card number to random companies...( those snakes), and that even your own credit card company will not protect you or stand behind you in these situations. How do they stay in business? Trust no one! Sorry for the book, it does feel good to vent if anything!