I sent two orders in and received verification from Andrew that they were in fact received in October and November of 2009. In december Andrew said that I was set for payment, but I never received a check!
Both orders totalled over $4, 000. After numerous calls and e-mails, I was finally able to reach Mike Mosieur in January, 2010. He said that they had experienced many challenges, but assured me payment within 25-30 days.
Now that more than 60 days has past, he can't be reached. The 800# will only accept messages and the Customer Service Department will no longer respond to my e-mails. I have both of Mike's e-mail addresses and haven't heard back from any of my efforts. I have now compiled over 60 contact attempts and have not heard from any one including Mike.
After reading the posts here and on ripoffreport.com www.ripoffreport.com/communications...rms/cellforcash-com-rms-communica-62966.htm - Cached I am trying to get someone to make this right!
I have dealt with them over the past 5 years and never experienced this from them. If you are going to do business with them, do your homework first! The frustration of being ignored is bad enough, then pile on a monetary loss. It's horrible!
Seems like I'm joined by many...Coincidence, bad information, people that have too much time on their hands complaining for nothing??? You decide!