wayne a s
May 31, 2011
WEL MY PROBLEM IS THIS IN march 2006 I GOT A CONTRACT PHONE FROM ALREC AUTOPAGE AND IT WAS FINE BUT DEW TO FINANSIAL DIFFICULTIES I WAS UN ABLE TO PAY THEM AT WICH TIME I WAS GIVEN THROU TO THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT AT WICH I SIGNED AN AGREEMENT FOR THE FUNS TO BE DEDUCTED FROM MY SALARY ALL WAS FINE I NEVER USED THE SIM CARDS AFTER THAT AND THE AMOUNT OF R500 was deducted from my salary every month after a long while i notised that thr amount was still being deducted from my sallery and all attempts of solving the problem have gone unsolved the R500 is stil being deducted and as ive bin told via telephonic coraspondens that the account has bin settled but was unsure of when so i would like a reciept as to what was paid and how much and what was overal personely i find it a bit trouble sum as with the job i do to get the time to sort out things that should have bin sorted out why wasnt i sent a statement once amonth or at least evry six months to explain what is being paid and what the balance is i find it hard to believ that i have to pay for almost 5 years before i have to query the deduction of R500 of my bank account i hope senserly that what ever the problem may be that it will be delt with quickly as im sure i have bin over paying this account by far and would thus rather settle the problem without the use of the law i can be reached on 0836790880 my name is mr wayne a swanepoel email is wayneanthonyswanepoel@yahoo'com anybody who can assist would be highly appresiated not sure what my account number is just the phone number that i was using was 0731469146 contract number was wa27963