Being a partime worker and living pay check to pay check not making much. I love my pet to spend almost all my pay check tking im to vet. I took my pet to be examine for a lump. The doctor said it was a sack of pus that needed lancing also gave tape worm medication and 3 more things which added up to $160.00 After the precedure she returned to the examining room saying that she was concern because the discharge was not what she expected, that cats get tumor.
I brought my pet home for couple days he were okay then he was back were he not eating nor taking the antibotic. Again my pet was suffering. Did not want my pet to suffer anymore I had him be put to sleep.
I called the vet to ask her what did she see to suspect a tumor. The doctor had another person call me. I asked him the question his response was since I had euthanaized my pet, he could not be examine again to know really what it was. I am upset and very angry to hear that because that is why I brought him in the first place to find out what the heck that lump was. Obviously they just wanted more money out of me.