They advertize $1.00 free trial offer and they they repeatedly send you products & charge you without
your authorization. Try to call c/s you will be on hold 45-60 minutes & never get an answer. try to
email and they do not reply, call your credirt card co and they get a "stock" letter reply and then try
"" nothing works to STOP this compnay from charging you and sending products!
the products is POMCLEAN diet product.-- which cleans colon --- They need a good cleaning!!!
THis is FRAUD AND ILLEGAL CHARGES & MISREPRESENTATION OF PRODUCTS. They have many many complaints and I contacted BBB . If you send package back "return to sender" they will not accept it as a return -- they want an RAM but you cant get through to C/S on any day or hour !!! 1 888 692 8352