February 21, 2010
I was interested in buying some investment property and saw a house on the mls listings in Pulaski, Va. I contacted the listing agent which was Mary Schelor and asked to see the house. After the viewing, I told Mary that I was interested and would contact my finacial agency to see about getting a loan, but I worked nights and it was hard to get ahold of me during the day. She said that the 99 % of the transaction could be handled by emails and that any signatures could be domne by fax or we could wait till the end of the transaction. After that, the phone calls started, all times of the day. Asking me to come meet her that day ( a 20 minute drive), that she had to have papers signed right away. On several occasions, I complied even though I had to get out of bed to do it. A contract was signed contingent on financing. The phone calls continued, asking if I had heard from the finance company, if I knew when they were sending the appraiser, and could I meet her to discuss what I had heard . My finace company turned down the house due to the conditon. The phone calls continued. Would I be willing to do the repairs, Did I know anyone who could do the repairs, they found someone to do the repairs. I was asked if I would look at a different finance company that she had found. I said I would but couldnt go over the finance rate that my agency had quoted. I was put in touch with this agency and was quoted a rate that was much higher than I wanted. I told her that wasnt acceptable and she said the finance company could do better. At that point I told her I needed a release from the original contract and was told that wasnt needed that she would write up a new one and it would be ok. I told her that I did need a release and any new contract would have to specify a 4 1/4 % apr. I finally got the release and then started getting contracts with a 4 1/2 % apr with a note saying it had to be signed immediately.I declined saying that she was instructed to put the apr at 4 1/4 %. I was told that that was what the finance company was offering and I needed to sign the contact. I was told that she knew of an appraiser that would look at the house in his spare time and let me know if the house would qualify for financing. I told her I wasnt going to pay for another appraisal and dint want another appraisal until I had that information. I then get a call from an appraisal company saying that an appraisal was done and I needed to send them a check. I told them I didnt know about, authorize, or want an appraisal and they would need to contact the person who ibnstructed them to do the appraisal. I finally get a quote back from the finance company saying they could get me a loan at 6 1/2 apr. I emailed Mary Schelor and told her that that wasnt acceptable and that I wanted my deposit back. I received my deposit back and started getting emails from the finance company saying I needed to pay the appraiser. I explained that I didnt authorize any appraisel and got an email back saying that I burned him. I explained that I told Mary that I didnt want any appraisal and I called him for a quote. I was informed that Mary had told him that I would pay for any appraisals and that it was alright to have the house appraised. Although the finace company said they understood, the liberties that were taken with what I was willing to do could have gotten me in serious legal disputes. I feel I was completely misrepresented by the agent who was only interested in her commision and cared little about what the consequences for me or what liberties she had to take with my wishes to get her money.
October 12, 2009
lost deposit due to realitor lying
My complaint involves Century 21 and Maria Vinsion an employee of Century 21. I was in contract to buy a property with Maria Vinson acting as my real estate agent. While in contract I encountered issue with loan approval even through I had a pre-approval letter. As I was dealing with this issue the time on my contract with the title company was near the end. I did not want to lose my 2500 dollar deposit so I contacted Maria vinson to pull out on the contract. Maria Vinson told me not to worry she would file an extension, so I continued to look for a loan for the property. When it became apparent that I was not going to get a loan I ask Maria to pull out of the contract. This is when she informed me that the extension was not approved by the title company. I lost 2500 dollars! Not only was I lied to by Marie Vinson about the extension being accepted, after I contacted the title company I found out not only was the extension not accepted, she never even sent a request for one to the title company. Because of her lies I lost money our family saved .