I am very disappointed with my recent experience with century 21 showcase located in highland California. I take responsibility for the biggest mistake which was to hire them to list my condo.
The agent assigned to me turned out to be not very efficient at advertising my condo, so it did not get enough exposure. Additionally I was not advised properly by the agent on what the listing price should have been to get the people. There were many things wrong with this agent and I hadn't realized this if it weren't for all my friends and family to whom I complained about why my condo was not selling while others around me in worse condition were. They started pointing out the mistakes my agent was doing. One of the biggest ones was that I had to constantly call the agent in order to get something done like sending mailings out or requesting an open house, sending the advertising for the open house, missing deadlines all the time for publications...
But that is not the problem. Many real estate offices have their good agents and their bad ones. If you report one bad experience common sense dictates that they should back you up and try to do damage control by offering you some kind of deal or mitigation. Instead the head at this office told me bassically that my house was not sold not because of the lack of advertisement but because I had no lock box in my house. The reason for not having one is my pets, so I would drive from work at any time (missing work and pay) to get to the appointments (when some of them would never show). And so therefore it was not that the agent was not efficient but my pets prevented the thing form happening.
Now almost every household in america has pets, can you imagine this being a problem for selling a house??? I think this says it all.
The company did not back me up at all, nor did they offer any resolution to my issue other than and this is a quote "have my pets sent away to be taken care by somebody" for the duration of the listing ( which in my case was 6 months). Enough said about this company don't you think?