In July of 2009 I had a check declined at the Dollar General Store in my hometown. I was told to call Certergy's 1-800 number, I was told that a driver's license number was assiciated with my checking account that had a returned check. Of course, I was tiold this was taken care of. On November 23, 2009 I went to the same store, wrote a check and it was declined. Again, I call the number I was given. This time the assured me athe problem was taken care of, they even sent me letter assuring me. Today, January 2, 2010 I tried to write a check at Lowe's, AGAIN the check was denied. AGAIN, I was given the number to call. AGAIN, I have been told the problem will be taken care of and they will send it to me writing. Bet, I get the same form letter I received before.<br />
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When I called to day Certegy has no records of my previous calls, imagine that!<br />
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It seems that the whole Certergy Orgainzation is inept!!!