CG Services is the collection agency based in Columbus, OH that is used by the NYSHEC to collect on defaulted student loans. (888-7983993)
I am well aware that I owe money which I am trying to pay off - but this financial crisis has rendered me temporarily unable to pay even the bare minimum of $150.00.
I had conversation today with the supervisor Mr. Pratt asking for a bit of leniency here for just a month or two - I am expecting a check for a project I'm working on that will enable me to catch up on all my bills. I also asked if they could PLEASE stop calling my friends and neighbors as that is humiliating. Instead of being sympathetic to my plight, he added to my stress by shouting humiliating insults such as ...
1) you're too stupid to know how to spell harassment
2) you're a complete deadbeat and it's people like you that explain why the Federal government is in the shape we're in
I asked him repeatedly to stop noting can I be put through to the verification department - I was calling them to make some payment arrangements so the harassment would stop. He refused so after enduring over 10 minutes of his rantings, I hung up.