June 22, 2011
Worst employer I have ever worked for!
I worked for Charles Jerome Broquard dba Broquard Water Art he is the worst employer I have ever worked for. He would consistently not pay payroll hold payroll and or give out bad checks. He operates with no business licences has employees drive vehicles without proper registration or insurance.He deliberately does not pay vendors as a tactic to negoiatiate a lower price.He does the same thing with employees constantly not paying them hours worked or inventing back charges long after the work has been done.He did not pay workmans comp or payroll taxes and last I heard was being investigated by the Los Angeles Sherrifs Department for fraud. At one point I heard he was arrested with a 250.000 dollar bail. I put in a fountain in NYC at Rosa Mexicana on Park he promised to pay me when the job was done for 6 weeks work where he knew it would be impossible to cash out of state checks.I worked there for 6 weeks when I got off the plane he paid me 1300.00 when he owed me 3300.00 I waited a week for the pay and when it was not paid filed a complaint with the california Labor Board.the Labor Board told me that he had several complaints against him and that there was little chance of collecting.I have contacted Broquard at his web site and demanded payment with no response.I have not been able to figure out wether he is in jail. I strongly suggest to anyone to stay away from this very shrewd con artist. The more I find out about him the clearer it becomes this is a recurring pattern with him. If you have any information about him please post it here as I am still trying to collect my back wages and trying to get an accounting on pay roll taxes withheld and not paid to the government.