Charles Ruttenberg realty listing agent never sent offer to bank, lied, screwed us!
Address of property: 922 NW 114 Ave, Coral Springs, FL 33071
We viewed the property on 3/30/11. We viewed the property directly through the listing agent: Chrstine Hansen, whom sent her assistant Victor to show us the property. When I called her to explain we wanted to put in an offer directly through her we informed her that our first initial offer would be XXXk. She indicated that she did not believe that was a good enough offer & became argumentative we insisted on sticking with that offer and asked her to come over that evening to write up an offer, she said she had dinner plans and would send over documentation for us to fill our on our own. This was around 3pm in the afternoon. By 7:30 pm we had not received any documentation and we called her several times. She indicated it had been sent. We did not receive the documentation until 8am the following morning 3/31/11. She had filled in several parts of the document to which we had to erase and indicate our own dates, such as a closing date of 4/26, less then 30 days and she input a date of 4/03/11 as the expiring of the contract if we hadn’t heard back from the bank. We changed the closing date to 5/18 & left the 4/03 date alone as per her request (which seemed suspicious to us to have the contract expire on 4/3 a Sunday which clearly would not give the bank enough time to send us a counter/expect). We contacted her again over the next 2 days asking her to explain the 4/3 date to which she replied, do not worry, your contract will still be valid and not expire (clearly a lie)
On 04/04/11 After no response from her all day we called her. She refused to give us any information and only after my husband pried further she indicated that we were now in a highest and best offer situation and my husband could inform her verbally of our best offer. My husband indicated he would only do so in writing. Later that afternoon we got an email too which she stated: “We are in a multiple offer situation and the seller has asked that all highest and best offers be submitted by 5:00 pm, tomorrow, April 5, 2011. Please advise me via email what your highest and best offer is to purchase this property.” ((we got this email in the evening on 04/04/11)) I asked her via e-mail
why we were not receiving new information from the bank to sign for a highest and best offer. ((to which I have saved copies off all contact)) she indicated that
“The buyers do not need to sign a Multiple Offer Acknowledgment with this seller.” This seemed fishy to me having dealt with highest and best before and knowing new signed docs are required I contacted Fannie Mae directly who gave me the contact info for the asset manager:
The asset manager: Erin Thompson, who works for atlas reo and who’s telephone number is: 858-259-8758 ext:2260. I contacted her from 4/4/4/5 and finally reached her on 4/05. We spoke from about 430pm-5:15pm. I informed her that I was calling to insure an offer was received in out name. She indicated that not only was our offer not received but no offers had been presented for the property (this was now offer the supposed 5pm deadline, so clearly we were not only not ever in a highest and best situation but mrs. Hansen was clearly hiding offers from the bank) she told me she would have words with mrs Hansen and that unfortunately she could not take my offer directly and ensure it was received because it had to go through the listing agent mrs Christine Hansen she told me she would get to the bottom of it and find out why mrs Hansen was withholding offers and to expect a call from mrs Hansen after she was finished speaking with her. I waited about 10 minutes and called her, she said she was on the other line and would call me back. About 20 minutes later she called me to which I asked her to explain to me why I shouldn’t report her and pursue legal action, she got very nasty and loud with me and told me she did not have to explain herself to me, that I was not in this business and did not know how things worked. I asked her if she submitted my offer she said yes at 5pm. I told her that I knew she was lying and had spoken directly with erin Thompson the asset manager at 515ish and was told no offers had been received on the property. I asked her to prove to me via a transmittal she had submitted my offer her response was that she was under no obligation to prove anything to me and her only responsibility is to the bank, funny seeing as shes representing us as our buyers agent. She refused to send me any proof and proceeded to berate me, then told me sorry but your going to have to wait 2-3 days for the bank now and I will not send you any transmittal to prove I submitted your offer and hung up on me. WE GOT AN E-MAIL AT 2PM TODAY SAYING THE BANK WENT WITH ANOTHER OFFER... AND LOW AND BEHOLD, THEY STILL NEVER GOT OURS, AND ERIN THOMPSON THE ASSET MANAGER REFUSED TO TAKE IT EVEN AFTER WE INFORMED HER OF WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH THE LISTING AGENT... Just need some basic info on how to handle this. I've already got a complaint in, and we want to peruse legal action