We have written to the Governor numerous times and to our so called state representatives concerning obvious promblems with SAINT JOHNS COUNTY DEPENDENCY COURT (SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA) and with complaints about FAMILY INTEGRIETY PROGRAM, SAINT AUGUSTINE and about DCF (DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMALIES REFORM?FRAUDS, WASTE & ABUSE. The GOVERNOR simply is not interested in ANYONES COMPLAINTS and keeps sending US FORM LETTERS or PASSING THE BUCK on to SOMEONE ELSE like his INTERIM SECRETARY... or just about anyone else who happens to be lurking around (next letter will probably be sent to us from the cashier at STARBUCK'S Coffee!!! ) I think the last piece of material was probably composed by the laundry clerk. Truth is this man cares about as much about PARENTAL RIGHTS & REFORMING CPS?AND PROSECUTING ROGUES, THIEVES & RACKETEERS IN GOVERMENT as a drive through teller in a fast food restaurant does about giving you salt to go with your french fries!!!
TRUTH is he knows the STATE OF FLORIDA CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY US ALL THE DAMAGES we should get & deserve as a result of WANTON FRAUD, WASTE & ABUSE OF FEDERAL AND STATE PROGRAMS abused by holding our children RANSON (CASE PLAN PROCEEDS x 7 people for unwarranted services required by an unconstitutional CASEPLAN that we never AGREED TO!!! CASE NUMBER LT-DP06 SAINT JOHNS COUNTY!
HORRIBLE COURT APPOINTED ATTORNIES who did nothing but sit and collect paychecks!! and a completely CORRUPT Juvenile court system containing colluding actors in a staged performance who are hell bent on nothing less than the proceeds (FEDERAL & STATE FUNDING from CAPTA & TITLE (U NAME IT!!) that would FLOW THROUGH COUNTY COFFERS (therapist this and therapist that LALLALLALAL!). Fraudulent referrals requiring us to SLANDER OURSELVES BY CARRYING SOME STUPID SHEET OF PAPER AROUND WITH 1-800 phone allallegations made by someone we don't even know... (probably ex-wives/husbands & barren adoptive grandparents on prosac & librium!). NO EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING IN ALMOST 5 YEARS except STALKING INTERSTATE; closed cases; mentally deranged social work and a whole lot of PEOPLE who made a whole LOT of money kidnapping & holding our kids hostage & for RANSON MONEY (case plan chocked full of B.S.). (which includes SURRENDERING CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!)
KNOW WHAT ALL THE SECRECY IS ABOUT IN CPS? IT'S WACKING UP A MILLION DOLLAR CASE PLAN FOR THEIR COUNTY & THE STATE WHETHER IT'S WARRANTED OR NOT!!! Not to mention the kids are BRIBED FROM DAY ONE!! Would like to get a manicure honey? How about you just stay in states care for 6 months and we'll see to it you get $800-$1, 200 month; 4 year scholarship to any college in the state who will accept you. (of course, truth is after the bribe is over... placed in one foster home after the other; group home after group home; eventually moved out (independent living) into a house with a drug addict & obviously what appears to be a 25 year old prostitute; then moved into an apartment with 26 year old man (BUM) and pregnant by 18!!!
WE asked the governor TO INVESTIGATE FRAUD, WASTE & ABUSE OF FUNDING! ACCOUNTABILITY!! PROSECUTION for lieing social workers & so called PROTECTION WORKERS who lied from the beginning in court!!! I didn't ask for another colluding actor attorney!!! It's the states JOB TO PROSECUTE THEIR OWN & THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS JOB!!! I don't care who your friends are!! RACKETERRING IS RACKETERRING!!!
WE DESERVE DAMAGES UNDER THE RICO ACT AND THE STATE SHOULD BE INVESTIGATING THE FRAUD & PROSECUTING not sending us petty letters from insignificant people who don't care anyway (except they are scared of the booooogey man!) CHARLIE CHRIST READ THIS WEBSITE: AMERICAN FAMILY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION in entirety... don't send me letters from insignificant people who can't read or who don't have time! REFORM CPS (FAMILY INTEGRITY/DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMALIES TOO!) or shut these incompetent money hungry OGRES DOWN!!! RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION & GET ACCOUNTABILITY IN CPS!! AMERICAN FAMILY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION member.
When you decide to terminate parental rights because you can't have the proceeds from a ransom note (case plan) then you asking for the dead (TPR is known as PARENTAL DEATH SENTENCE) to come back & haunt you!!! Certainly in the nations oldest city SAINT AUGUSTINE those GHOSTS ARE HERE!!! BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
We encourage everyone to send Charlie Christ your CPS COMPLAINTS AND SEND PINK SLIPS TO YOUR CONGRESSMEN TOO!! SHUT IT DOWN!!! SEND THE CHILDREN HOME!!! Enough is enough!!
Be sure to look at your county commissions budget for family integrity or your local CPS agency. MILWAUKEE WRAPAROUND!!! Seen your social worker mileage lately? How many lies did they write & re-write? Seen any evidence yet? We want damages!!! RICO!!!
"Are you listening? Can you hear me now?"
"GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH" Patrick Henry (In CPS death is preferred over parental rights...TPR)
These ghosts will haunt you in Saint Augustine...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!