Charlotte state bank has a so called leader in its branch by the name of Alyson Burch, her job as the vice president of this financial institution, to make sure your money never leaves your account not for an auto mobile, college for the kids even if there is an investment opportunity for you shell talk you out of it so you can earn your measly 1% maybe a 2.5% and she can meat the criteria of requirment for her deposit rates every month to be where they need too be.. Thats why she is paid a base plus commissions.. Its funny the banker jokes want you to get in every hedge fund or investment they suggest because they earn commissions on anything out side of the they will not earn a penny so in return shel make you believe its not a vitale opportunity.. Good luck in the future with this financial institution. They may steer you the wrong way due to opinions and non facts. Now thats a banker I trust... Happy Banking.
Vice President, Branch Coordinator - Alyson Burch
Direct: (941) 623-1517
email: [email protected]