On Wednesday, 3/16/20111 I sent $50 to Commonwealth Edison for my electric bill via Chase Bank’s online bill payment center. On Thursday, 3/17/2011, my Chase checking account online showed that two payments for $50 had been debited to the account. I had authorized and submitted only one payment to Edison.
When I talked to Chase telephone banker “Tracy in Texas” she said they would take care of canceling the second payment immediately and the unauthorized $50 would be in my checking account the nest day. When I ask3ed for her employee ID and a case number she refused to do either one and was rude.
On Friday, 3/18/2011 when I looked at my account there were still two $50 payments shown and debited. I talked to another Chase Telephone banker, Karen Ordiz, who said that nothing had been done to cancel or return the extra unauthorized payment and they would do nothing to solve the problem. It was my though luck. I could try and see what Commonwealth Ed would do.
I called Chase again to ask for a supervisor and was referred to Ryan Klaus, an online specialist, who said there was nothing he would do about it. They wouldn’t call Com Ed to see if they could help with the problem. When I told him I was planning to contact the bank’s executive office in New York and The Bett3er Business Bureau he did call Com Ed who told him they hadn’t processed the payments yet but would not cancel or return the extra one in any case.
Elizabeth Winnieski in the Executive Office in NY said that even though “Tracy in Texas” completely lied to me on Thursday saying they were taking care of the situation, there was nothing Chase would do to help me. I now know I can never use Chase’s online bill payment again.
I’m a senior citizen with scant income and no resources who just came back from attending an out of town funeral for a sudden, tragic death in the family and thus lost sever days pay. I desperately need the unauthorized $50 to get through the next few weeks. I want Chase to credit the $50.00 to my account.