adele steele
June 25, 2009
frauduelantly taking money
I signed up for a seven day nominal trial for above company. I decided after a day or so that I didn't want to take this further, I then followed the correct procedure to cancel the subscription. I then called my credit card company (on a different matter) and was told that the aforementioned company had taken payment for the full subscription, needless to say I was annoyed as I had a e-mail from the company to say that my subscription had been cancelled, I even got to talk to the on-line team (for some strange reason they appear to be closed now), and they said that as it was not to do with the seven day free trial I had to e-mail but I would get a reply within 48 business hours. Needless to say nothing has occured and it now seems the company is no longer.
I feel very annoyed by this.