Complaint:When I pulled this website up, it says you have to pay to find out about locations and addresses to government seized and police auctions. Do you really have to pay for this info? Will you really find out addresses from this site? Do you know any auto auction websites, phone numbers, or where to go to find out addresses to these auctions for free? I really don't trust the site because it says you can't pay by money order or cash, why can't you pay by money order or cash?
Complaint 2:Police impounds phone # 1-800-749-8167 ext. 4321: I called this number and they say the same thing, "we don't except money orders or cash for listings."
WHY NOT? Im trying to surprise my wife with a 2001 Lincoln Navigator Half wholesale price and I can't find no info for free and your expecting the public to spend money for a membership and a vehicle??? They say the price is $39.95 for a year membership to listings to all kind of auctions. I don't want to pay by credit or check over the phone or the web because my mother got scammed out of $210.00 with their same payment process. PLEASE help me find atleast three contacts that are free. May god bless you all.