As many have I bought something in good faith off Ebay, Paid ASAP only to find out the seller/vendor didn't have listed item nor did they have any coming to fill previously sold listings.
It seems this is a norm for this business, sell/list something they don't have, float on you money and later if you want a refund you have to leave positive Feed Back on Ebay or you wont get your money back. They will also leave Negative feed Back, even thought you paid and blow off all emails.
I have sent 10 eamils, made phome calls and filed complaints with Paypal and have heard nothing other than a request to With Draw Negative FB on Ebay from the vendor.
No Knife, no offer of a refund and no communication what so ever....Bad Juju and beware when buying Anything as I am not the only one to get screwed by Cherokee Outpost.