Child Protective Services
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Category: Family & Pets
Contact Information Coleman, Texas, United States
Child Protective Services Reviews
June 26, 2011
children removed from home because of
police were called to residence where possible fight was in place. police officer forces way in house id's everyone in house and it ends up that baby is kidnapped by ex foster mother and cps. ex foster mother of babys mom enters in home takes baby and goes to where the sister is at and takes her too. babies were put in foster care and then sent to the fathers. and mom has been made to look like a fool needs help to get her babies
May 16, 2011
On 8/22/08 I became ill during the night and almost died. My 6 yr old son noticed the problem and went next door to get a neighbor and call 911. I was taken to the hospital where I lay on a ventilator, nearly comatose for two days. That night, CPS took my children, who were already scared and worried, and placed them with a foster home. They never tried to contact my husband. It was not until my husband got to the hospital that he was informed about what was going on with the kids. A few days later, we were able to have the kids placed with a family friend. While I was in the hospital they held a meeting with my husband asking him to keep our kids in 'voluntary care' so that he could attend to me and aid in my recovery. He agreed based on what he was told by the caseworker that they would return our kids after my recovery. The caseworked came and saw me in the hospital for 20 minutes to sign some papers and told me he would call me later, because he had to leave for another appointment. I was discharged over Labor Day weekend. Neither my husband or I heard back from him for five days. When we did get some news, it was in the form of papers telling us that they were now taking us to court and the kids were now in temporary custody. We called the lady our kids were with and found out from her that our visitation had been revoked. Today we finally had a meeting with the caseworked and his supervisor and were told that this was happening because they felt I tried to kill myself, a history of domestic violence, and neglect. They are bringing up things from several years ago in order to keep our children. We also found out that they switched our son's school without notifying us or the actual school. We are a military familly. My husband had been on orders, and was deployed for three months. He was able to come home on emergency leave. Now, he can't see his kids that he had been missing for all that time. And in turn, they can't see thier daddy that had been gone for awhile. Our 3 yr old daughter was fully potty trained and has now reverted beck to diapers due to the stress. They cry for us to take them home. This situation is causing stress on our marriage and my health, and we are worried about how this is going to affect our kids. CPS has ripped our family apart and doesn't seem to care about the actual people involved or our feelings and emotions. Bianca Vail, AZ
May 16, 2011
Harassment, Distructive stress
Putting a lady with pneumonia and pancreaitis into bleeding stress, giving depressed POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER daughter suicidal thoughts and actions from harassment when nothing is wrong with the baby, trying to take her for any little reason when nothing is wrong.
March 22, 2011
Child abusers
As said best by late Senator Nancy Schaefer
here is a perfect example of it being true. For past 5 years these low life scumbags have been lying not only to the court but to my two little children and favoring their mentally ill mother who has been diagnosed by forensic psychologist Dr Lober wit multiple mental disorders including bi-polar disorder.
These lying parasites at CPS Elane Dickerson, Kevin Carpenter, Ed Heepe,
had lied to my children telling them they do not have to call their father every day, who the hell these under paid scum think they are but as soon as Melissa Leonard and her demanted Dolores Porco Leonard had paid Elane Dickerson to favor the mother as I have been told thats only the one caseworker they all are on the payroll being bribed by Dolores Porco Leonard whos worth millions she stole and hid from her own family. Who do these scum think they are telling two little children don't call your father every day, when there is a "SUPREME COURT ORDER" issued by Westchester Supreme jdg that intitles to at least two phone calls with both of my children, which their mentally ill mother Melissa Leonard has been violation for 2 years, phone records do not lie, but people like her who are doing everything to destroy the childrens relationship is a compulsive lier. Lying to every one she can that my children are afraid of me telling the court I use photo shop to make the children smile in our photos... now how can any normal person beleave that!!!
This lying scum Elane Dickerson and Kavin Carpenter who are clearlly showing favoritisim for the mentally ill mother refuse to return my calls regarding my visitations with my children which they have been doing delibaratly to keep me from seeing my children. The mother has used them to help her and now she took of out of state with out leting lawyers know telling my children to lie to me as to where they are as she did before. Taking our children to her own abuser molester bigget anti-samite Fransic Leonard aka (Archy Bunker) in De Pere Wisconsin who molester Melissa and Lohn Leonard when they were young as it has been told by other people and even by John J Leonard himself. This crooked lawyer John J Leonard who worked for Marc Dreier the corrupt lawyer who stole tens of millions from his clieants with help oj John J Leonard who was his right hand men, but he bailed to Cali when Dreier got caught taking god knows how many millions with him, that whole family Porco Leonard are crooks just google Porco they kill their own family for money, like one Chris Porco who chooped up his parents so he can gain family millions of dollars.
It's beyond me how can these parasites at cps can ignore Supreme Court orders and refuse to let me see my children and tell two little children lies about their father.
Where does a little child get the idea to say to his father and his grandperants "we don't have to see you jews anymore" and bringing this up to the anti-samite judge Tolbert who failed to enforse his orders leting the defendant get away with keeping my children from me and their grandperants for 5 years on every single Jewish Holiday!!!
Same goes for the law guardian John Belmonte this past April I was to see my children for Passover Holiday which the mother failed to let me take my children, leaving message for this prick law guardian was a waist he never returned my call even after sending him the Supreme Court Order which clearly states I was to see my children for our Jewish Holiday,
another bigget anti-samite the only thing he needs to wear to court is his white sheet and the cone hat from his clan. What normal law guardian will not let the little children be with their father despite of knowing the mother had used the children to lie about neglect. As well as this crooked state trooper Mario Velez who the mother screwed to help her has this crook brake in to my office at my home threated my son who was 7 yrs old to lie for his mother. This corrupt trooper Velez has been in the news for past 6+yrs himself for over stepping his power and badge and abusing beating threatnig students at Hen Hud school where he worked as a resorce officer... these two worthless scums left so much evidance that tropper Velez broke in to my office and even was seen making out with my childrens mother while they were in the house.
I guess the dead presidants from Dolores Porco Leonard showed them the way!! Just like the judge who overruled him self and is the only judge in westchester who has the most complaints against him and who has been or is sued by at least 12 banks for default on payments... real nice a judge!!!
March 19, 2011
Wrongfully accused
I am wrighting to summit a complaint about MONTCALM county Child Protective Services!
The reason That I am writing this is because, On Febuary 10th 2011 My family was ripped apart Literially. At 3:20 that thursday afternoon my daughter age 12 months was making rushed to the hopsital at Graciot Memorial Hospital in Alma Mi, She was placed on life support and was aero medded to U of M, Where she passed away Febuary 11th at 11:23pm, She had severe brain swelling and her electro lytes were extremely low along with her glucose and sodium and everything else. They told us they didnt know why her brain was swelling just that It was life threatening. They contiuned to do there test with her to find out why this was happening, however they couldnt conclued anything. While we were at U of M trying to be at the bedside of our 1 year old daughter we began to be interagted by state troopers and CPS workers, We were in a room for long periods of times and only had minutes with our daughter before they took us in for another interagation. This contiuned until my beautiful daughter passed away. At the hopital CPS came and took from us our 2 year old son and 4 year old daughter said we were not a safe enviorment for them do the the unknown case of our 1 years injuries. We had to appear in court 11 hours after our daughter passed away, they wanted to terminate our parental rights, the judge however said there wasnt enough evidence that he wasnt going to do that we then got granted 2 hour visits a week and our children are in foster care. We have been dealing with CPS for over a month now and our children are still in foster care my parents are wanting the kids they have been approved but pending to be foster parents prior to this happening and The CPS worker has not returned my mothers phone calls My mother calls at least 2 times a week and is still waiting for a home inspection. They came and had the state police officers come to get the childrens belongings and was told that no officer was allowed in our home with out a warrant for all the harrasment we have indured they didnt listen and did a ILLEGAL search of our home. We have been Harrased, accused of false acusations and have had all our RIGHTs as a AMerican citizen taken away. We have NEVER been introuble with the cps before or have never even been under invesgation. We have structure for our children we love our children, Yes our 1 year old had a bruised chin however she just started walking 5 days before she passed away and fell and bumped her chin on a end table. However I was a stay at home mother for 2 years with my children and I also baby sat 3 other children at the time. We are a very loving family that is very family orianted we do family activities and do not have any neglect nor abuse in our home. We are waiting on the autopsy to tell us how and why our daughter died. As for no body as any Idea. They couldnt say what it was they were at a lose. Our Lawyer told us that this is going to be a long battle due to the fact CPS instantly made there minds up about us, We are INNOCENT of there acusations and feel this is unhuman what we are going through. Our children have NEVER been away from us for more that a few days at most and now they are away from us for over a month and they dont have there baby sister with them, When we see our children they cry and want to come home and want to know where sister is at. They are making us feel like were criminals when we are law abiding citizens, We just want them to go to my parents house where there with family rather then a foster home. We fight every day to protect our children but it seems all our years of being there parents and protecting them Child Protective services has RUINED it all. If someone can please please help my family to at least get our children out of foster care please do so... We are begging you. WE are reaching out for anyone at this point, We not only lost our baby but we lost our other 2 children the same day. We dont know what to do from here our trials keep getting ajurned and we are getting no where. We are at a stand still. So please help me if you know how to get the case transferred t o a different county or anything please please... Thank you.
March 9, 2011
No Communication
We have had nothing but bad experiences with CPS. Our niece was being severely emotionally, physically, and sexually abused by her father, who is a meth addict. We tried calling cps over and over again, but since she was a teenager they told us that unless there were very obvious burns/bruises on her, that they couldn't do anything. Finally we called the police who were prompt and efficient. They assigned someone to the case, the officer went and investigated, and she was pulled out of the home and put back in the care of CPS... which is when it started going downhill again. We and her other aunt/uncle who live nearby have jumped through every hoop they have asked us for (background checks, house inspections, etc) and have showed up for every court date to support her, even though the parent's protest and we aren't allowed in. The parents confessed to much of the child abuse and are not cooperating (not going to therapy, not paying child support or court fees, nor are they apologetic or trying to change), but it is still court ordered that she have to go to a supervised visit with them once a week and speak to her father, who molested her and her mother, who let it happen. However, because we were the ones that called CPS/police and reported the abuse, we are the ones being punished and we are not able to see her because we are on her side and might try to "influence" her. We have accepted this and have followed this rule, ridiculous as it may be. Also, three months ago the judge approved her for a court appointed advocate to speak for her in court, but her social worker (who never answers his phone and never returns calls- EVER) hasn't done the paperwork to get her one. Meanwhile, this girl is breaking down under the stress- has no idea what is going to happen to her, where she is going to live, doesn't feel safe and doesn't have her LOVING relatives around to give her support and guidance.
But six months have gone by, and there are two loving homes that she could be in that are with her FAMILY and have been APPROVED, but instead she is in a foster home with 5 other foster kids who are all under the age of 8. Complaints about these foster parents have gone completely unheard by anyone. They leave her alone all the time, they make her babysit the other foster kids, they put her in the middle of their domestic disputes and fight in front of her, they let her date guys though she is way too young, and NOW THE FOSTER DAD STARTED SEXUALLY ABUSING HER!!! This wouldn't have happened if she was with her family, where she should be. Of course, to get something actually done, we called the police, who arrived promptly and took the foster dad to jail. Where was CPS? Social worker has changed his number w/o informing the foster child he is supposed to be looking out for. His supervisor doesn't seem to care and just makes excuses for the social worker. Through this whole process no one will tell us whats going to happen, no one will tell us what is going on, or what to do to help. No one will call you back, no one will give you a straight answer.
F**** you CPS. It seems like either you take children away from good parents for the tiniest reasons, or you ignore huge and obvious signs of abuse for years and then allow the child to keep hurting once they are out of the home, and give terrible selfish "parents" the chance to get their child back, leaving the kids terrified. Way to go.
[email protected]
November 1, 2010
not protecting my 3 1/2 yr old child from brying exploited online by her mother
Three weeks ago I found pictures of my 3 and a half year old daughter on my ex-girlfriend (her mother's) yahoo album. She was in the bathroom on top of the toilet completely naked with her arms behind her and her pelvis pushed forward in an obvious pose for whoever took the picture. This picture is not inaccessible to the general public and my daughter is completely exposed to any predators who have the patience or luck to look for a picture like this. I have contacted my local Children Protective Services but, as of yet, they have not done anything. The picture is still online and my daughter is still with her mother who I believe is the person who took it and published it in the first place. My daughter is very impressionable at her age and I don't want her to be in an environment where she is raised to believe these are the right morals and values to have. But CPS is not taking the necessary steps to correct the situation or monitor in the future to prevent episodes like this from happening again. I cannot post proof or any links due to the obvious, please if anyone knows who i can contact to get this corrected call 616-916-4128, or contact me at [email protected]
June 17, 2010
They gave me a number that no one answers
I called CPS about my 12 yr old autistic son being abused and neglected on the bus. first at age 3yr and again at 12yr. I was told to call CPS by a lawyer. This is CPS's reply.."We do not take complaints that have anything connected to schools, that includes bus transportation drivers and matrons. it is AGAINST THE LAW for us to take these kind of complaints.they gave me a number that no one answers. not even a recording.i keep getting thrown around like a dirty old pillow. everyone passing the responsibility to someone else. Attorney's ask me for a retaining fee..$10, 000 and i say i don't have that kind of money and never hear from them again. i wrote obama, senator john flanagan, channel 12 news..etc. no body responding. feels worse than a communist country. any lawyer out there with a learning disabled child want to help? Your child will be next. i guarantee something has already happened to your child.
Donna Hackett-Beach
April 2, 2010
cps case workers
When abusive and alcoholic husband and father of three left his pregnant wife and three children his father called CPS on the pregnant mother of the three children with extreme false allegations. Cps investigator Karen Wiseman came out and visited house two days in a row and took pictures of children with their paternal grandmother and mother and took statements and asked for release of medical records for the children from the family doctor from the mother which I gladely signed because nothing was wrong with the children in fact one of the allegations that the childrens dad father made was that the 3yr old boy had pulled his hair out due to anger and she (Karen Wiseman) took a picture without any protest from the mother the childs head was full of hair and Ms.Wiseman herself commented how well the children looked and happy they where. Now since then I have tried to accomadate some of their requests of me and work it around my work schedule and please note that the father took the only family car also and that their is no public transportation in murphy, texas. So i was dependant on my family members to get out to work and the places CPS wanted me and the kids to go to. The ages of the children at that time where 5, 3, 1. Now to rush to present day the father filed for divorce in collin county in november and I could not afford an attorney and cannot get free legal aid due to being pregnant and then the fathers father and stepmother filed for temporary coservertorship of the children and with CPS by their side with no reports in hand the judge gave them the children and gave me a date when to hand over the children which i refused to do and was sent to jail while 6months pregnant and then they went after my entire family to get the kids while i was a week in jail because of contempt of court as it was stated, Since then i was taken into court by CPS and a new case worker assigned who is worse than the first caseworker and I have given them reports made by my young children of wrong happenings to them while in the care of the in-laws and they have ignored them. All tests i have been asked to do i have passed and they (CPS) cannot accept that fact they keep wanting more . Classes that they approve for me to go to per their court order they decide a month later and the wrong ones and its all a waiting for them to decide to give me the info when ever theyfeel like it. They continue to show in court for review hearings and stand there and lie and yet the father(husband) has yet to follow through on what was asked of him to do back in August and November by CPS and the judge(but thats ok with all of them) in the mean time I have to pay to see my three young children 3 times a week for two hours each time for a cost of $110.00 each time .And once a week at the CPS office in Los Rios in Plano for a one hour supervisored visit and which the case worker herself stood before the judge and said she herself would be there to watch me with the kids and take the notes but yet so far three visits and on the last visit she came out and sat with the intern taking the notes on me and my kids and never even spoke to the kids or me stayed there for less than 5 minutes and when back inside and was never seen again. LIES, LIES, LIES all the time by CPS and yet they had me sign a release for the medical records of the kids twice and they did not remove the children but yet they stand up there with the in-laws and in front of the judge continue to lie lie lie. Please someone come to the aid of my poor kids who were taken away from their mother and their family and their catholic school, and their church and their doctor and their neighbors and all that was familiar to them and completely trust into strangers hands because of CPS and money!!! These kids are desperate to come home and ask on each visit which i am more that happy to share all the notes that are taken from my visits with the children to show that what i say is not in anyway a lie or fabrication of the truth the kids are now 6, 4 and two . Time is an issue because the new baby is due any day now and these kids will not be with their newest sibling because of what CPS has continued to lie about .
chilkoot charlies ex-wife
November 15, 2009
public corruption
This is probably the most CORRUPT GROUP in operation. Anyone having promblems or concerns with these RACKETEERS should read this website in entirety: AMERICAN FAMILY RIGHTS ASSOCIATION. Then after you get a little education into their modus operandi be sure to write to your congressmen; senators; senate ways & means committe & your governor and send them a PINK SLIP ASKING FOR REFORM OF CPS OR TO SHUT THESE FRAUDS DOWN!! a) conspiracy against rights 2) fraud waste & abuse 3) stalking INTERSTATE 4) Falsification of documents & records are just a few of the complaints we have made concerning these corrupt & incompetent workers; therapists & so called INVESTIGATORS!!! They should all be prosecuted under the RICO ACT!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
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