It started when I made the clain on the 2/10/08. The child support agency is meant to calculate and collect payments from un-providing Fathers/Mothers that are non-resident to the child.
We are now numerous months ahead of this date and as if we have not suffered enough by being in a violent relationship the CSA have caused pain, stress, time and money in not sorting this claim promptly and proffessionally for my son.
I have sent so many letters of complaint and simply do not receive a reply, I involved my local MP who again received no reply. I have spent over £30 in phone calls. I have recorded all phone calls and letters and re-sent to their complaints department and again no reply.
On a phone call I was told I was entitled to compensation from themselves they have now back tracked from the fact this was said and ignored it. They have now made an incorrect assessment of the monies my son is entitled to as my ex partner is purposely defrauding them and they exclaimed that was not their problem but my own. Even though this calculation has been made, although they are now em-powered to take it form my ex-partners wage they are failing to collect it on our behalf.
The correct payment we are entitled to is £66 per week. I have therefore requested this weekly amount to be paid to us from the period of 12/12/08 this is being reasonable in the fact that it gave them ample time to sort out the claim.
I have now had enough we have been through so much physical and emotional damage already. I wish this to all be over for good but the CSA have dragged it out for us giving no concern for my feelling whatsoever.