I'm an employee working as a Team leader in management our so called district manager Becca. Has no clue how to run this store appropriately we have over 50 employees at this location .With a total management team of over 10 different manager's who don't set rules for the worker's . This store is so Bad that we have 3 shifts running 7 days a week. Due to the day and evening manager's that possess laziness and lack of leading the Team and our store to be more organized. The nightshift was just added to our store for month's now and it's pathetic. This is because of the manager's who dont mind worker's calling sick EVERYDAY. We have had scheduled employees call in numerous times an hour before their starting shift saying they are not coming in today 8 people 5, 4, 10 people sometimes it's BS cause management allows this regularly. Since I've been there for month's now coming from another location I've never seen such Poor Management in life since working for Children's Place ( Canada ). We have 5 manager's who are men at this store who constantly harass the ladie's sexually with comments on our clothing wondering eye's and hands. Wearing heavy cologne flirting with customer's and worker's it's getting to the point where nobody wants to come in .
Please can you make sure that head office trully DOES SOMETHING for this store and set stronger rules for the management team to obey and observe the behaviour to employees regularly. We have half the employees that will take this straight to the ontario labour board A.S.A.P if actions don't resolve soon .