I am writing to get some attention on a recent situation where I ran into a pair of little girls (size 2 - 14) panties that about had me calling the news. On the front side of the children's panties there is a picture of a kitty and the words, "Heaven Scent" above it. Look at the spelling sCent that's right They actually printed SCENT (as in: smell, for those of you who don't know) on the crotch of children's underwear...
I can't possibly be the only person that sees pedophile ALL over this, can I?
Can someone tell me if this is news worthy I have possession of the under garment. The reactions of my friends, family and co-workers where about 50/50 some just laughed at the disgust. While others found it equally offensive as I did. That in it self is sad to say that we live in a time when the filth of our society makes us chuckle.
Thank you for reading,