dear sir
Malik tanveer Ejaz ur previous customer now he is defoulter of ur bank, he was cheeter and farad many banks and person 'his old bussines name is CHINTOO MINTOO and old #0321_2133055, ID card 5808407 current NIC#62201-8238409-9 and old adreess is cc-17 1st floor defence view, he is defoulter i know malik Tanveer. and his new adree and numd
his new # 0323-2128266, 03062020820, 0321-2133044, 02135480003 and he changed company name ARTY PARTY
he live in defence ph 6 shop #5 plot num 9c, 24 commercial street TAUHEED COMMERCIAL area ph 5 karachi pakistan;
i send defolter recover ur amount
he is too much cheeter.recover ur amount and plz