Firstly the information found on whois is incomplete for a dot com company. For instance there is a n/a as owner even though this website, with others in the group, are attributed to neighbour net ltd. The phone number listed is fictitious and has been made up. Chiswick phone numbers start 0208 99* and not 49.1234578. In fact 49 is not even the international dialling code for the UK. In the past dot com companies have been removed from the internet for not complying with showing transparent data.
Secondly, the login process. They expect everyone to use their real names and then enter not only their post code but their date of birth as well. There is no password needed to create or login to an account on chiswick w4, just an email address.. Once the email address has been confirmed one can post away either on the forum or in other sections on the site. However, this means that if one knows the email address of a registered user they too can just login as this person and post abusive nonsense. This happened to me. Someone posted a lot of things under my real name. I sent several emails to chiswick w4 about this, most were just ignored. One reply from them actually asked to identify all the erroneous posts. I requested that all posts on their forum under my name just be removed. This request has been totally ignored by chiswick w4. As an aside once someone is registered on chiswick w4, if one clicks on their user name they can just change this name to that of another poster and post abusive nonsense on the entire site. Of course some people get suspended from this site for doing this but if the culprit is someone who pays for banner advertising then they seem to be immune from any bannings. In fact some of the things said on chiswick w4 forum borders onto liable and slander.
I'm just trying to get chiswick w4 to delete postings made under my real name from their site. Any suggestions how I go about this?
It's also been mentioned that chiswick w4 report some email addresses as 'spammers' without taking into account all the facts and some of these email addresses are business related. Again, I'm sure chiswick w4 has broken some laws by making false accusations on the internet about email addresses just because they have archaic software to power their forums, etc.
Perhaps there is some mechanism to take chiswick w4 offline because in its present format it is just destroying people and businesses reputations for the sake of a few paying customers? Any suggestions?