I called and spoke to a consultant who advised i was to send the bag back before the trial period ended i did this and I made it very very clear on the phone i did not want any further money deducted from me, I even had the bag sent by royal mail to be tracked, this is not exceptable I want to be refunded my money that was taken.
my postal code cf312nt
Name Wendy Moore
Email address: [email protected]
Address 10 honeysuckle way, Brackla, bridgend
I was very happy to contine to buy this product in 2 months time as I am getting married in a month and cannot afford these charges in my budget at present but if this is the way I am being treated I would rather have no dealings with choyung.
I received a new package I will be returning this asap.
I have had a contact that had the free trial that called as they received the bag of tea and you cancelled immediatley so I would expect the same treatment.
Please confirm my money will be refunded.
Wendy Moore