Newsletter marketed for preserving capital in current financial crisis.
Last 5 sells were APL held 15 months for -85% loss, GGG held 12 months -43%; DEL held for 22 months -43% loss; CVI 13 months -85% loss - WOW
If you would have bought 100 shares of each at recommended pricing..invest $16, 658 - sold for $6, 783 LOSING $9, 875 or roughly 60%.
APL is beyond forgiveness...Mayer says he made a mistake and didn't pay enough attention to the huge amount of leverage they were operating under...if not you - who? Isn't that what they get paid to do. Run Definitely a CRISIS..
Second really bad advisor from Stansberry and Associates. Dan Ferris ran S&A Penny Letter and got so bad they shut it down and do not report his losses in their marketing. I am sure he is sorry too...and just like Chris ...learned something from his mistakes - good for them.
I don't know how these guys sleep at night - they are a marketing company - period.