December 3, 2008
Lease End Complaint
This is great!! My wife and I leased a brand new 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan straight off the lot. From the beginning, we had actually planned to buy the vehicle out at the end of the lease. Back in the Summer, we contacted Chrysler Financial and let them know of our intentions. They informed us that since we made all of our payments on time, the lease could be converted straight into a purchase, and they would finance it for us, no problems. Now, in the last 90 days of the lease, they contacted me and after checking things, informed me that on time payments with Chrysler really make no difference anymore since Chrysler separated from Daimler in August. We have put extra miles on the vehicle as a result of the information that we were given, and had really taken off the "kid gloves" as far as the treatment of the vehicle. Now as a result of a lack of communication on their part, we are probably going to get stuck with probably $2000 in mileage fees as well as probably at least $1000 in charges that they will charge basically because we have 5 kids, and they are kids. I will never purchase another vehicle from Chrysler again, and the rep who called me told me that Chrysler just did not send out information regarding this lease change. She in fact told me that they did change the program back in August, to where the payments being made on time did not factor into the vehicle being approved to be purchased on finance terms. This is lack of disclosure, and really should not be allowed. I will pursue this issue with some sort of legal guidance.