I received a call from C.J. Malloy, an employee of Chrysler Financial, Loss Mitigation Dept. at 8:53a.m., while I was at work. He continually was harassing me (because I am a women????) for payment -threatening me of confiscating the vehicle. We are 2 payments behind + late fee ($818.86), which I have been calling since last night to make the payment, but was unable to get hold of a representative to discuss. I have been calling since 7:00am this morning, since they are the times it says the office is open on the invoice, but only to hear they were closed.
The total due on the lease of $2, 780.22, with the lease ending in June. He badgered me and berated me on the phone. I told him we have someone working on this for us, who will contact them today today to discuss payoff of the lease or trade-in. He kept asking who the person was that would be calling and that they can't call. A nasty child-like boy pushing me around on the phone. Today our accountant was to work out with Chrysler if it would be in our best interest to pay-off the lease or trade it to purchase and lvehicle, out-right with no loan. He would not hear it - it is very hard to write to you and explain how he continued to push me around -He has upset me and led me to tears at my job. That is not good customer service, especially after being long-time customers of Chrysler for many many years. We are in this situation because of the economy and my husband being out of work! We are living on one small salary with two children. I have asked previouly, time and time again if they could help us work out the payments, since we only owe $2, 700. on the vehicle, but they would not! I intend to bring this to President Obama's attention!