Chrysler Financial
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Category: Automotive
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Chrysler Financial Reviews
November 12, 2010
Collection Practices
These are some of the rudest, nastiest, cold hearted people I have ever spoke with in my life. In addition to being so rude, they are liars also. One man in particular, Wes King, is the rudest. This Wes guy is on some kind of power trip let me tell ya! He calls about 12 times a day and leaves these very authoritative voice mails stating I must call him back TODAY! When I call in to make arrangements they tell me one thing like you can make the past due payment today and set up a deferrment for next month. I got all ready, gave them my bank account info, then they come back to the phone and say, I'm sorry we need the past due and next months set up together today!!! There is no winning with these people. They are ridiculous and I am soooooooo happy they are about to go under! They deserve it. As for Wes King, he can hardly annunciate his words properly, much less bully anyone into a payment!
Wai Kun
November 9, 2010
My complaint is against every single one of the "contract abiding victims" of Chrysler Financial that feel a need to blither on and on about how unfair CF treats them. If you receive collection calls from CF it is not because your account is current. Instead, it is because you chose for one reason or another, regardless of the severity of your situation, not to pay on or before your due date. Did you not receive a copy of your contract? Or better yet! Please tell me that your hand was forced, someone held a gun to your temple, and that in your financial ignorance (couple with greed and lack of self worth) you signed a contract under duress. Please feel free to complain once you have brought your grossly delinquent accounts current and are receiving actual harassment calls about sexually explicit and vile acts we suggest you perform on your mother.
November 2, 2010
Unethical practices
I am outraged at the handling of my car loan with Chrysler. Now the dealership is out of business and those idiots you call, first of all can't speak English so surely can't help. I am frustrated, furious and need someone to tell me who to contact about this transaction. I purchased my car May 2005. The loan would have terminated May 2010. I had to have surgery 3 times and was off work for a period of 9 months. Resource Life Insurance (who by the way has a class action suit currently against them) was to make the payments at that time. It was pure hell working with Resource Life Insurance but Chrysler was even worse. They have no compassion. You practically have to beg for help. They harrass you every day, even though you have explained the situation to them over and over. Resource finally started paying, but paid late every month. Sometimes 2 months late. Well, my last payment is supposed to be Novemeber 18, 2010. I called to find out the final amount, which I thought would be maybe 10 -20 dollars more. I was informed by some man I could hardly understand, that I would have to pay $4, 378.00 in order to get my title. He said it was be3cause of the late payments. I was furious! I went off! This is absolutely ridiculous! Luckily I kept all of my paperwork, even my original loan documents and first satements. My loan document stated they were financing $33, 000 and the first statement showed $35, 000+. That is $2, 000 discrepancy already. Also, the loan document did not reflect my company discount I was supposed to get through my job which would have been at least another $2, 000. They are a complete ripoff and I will never do business with them again. If anyone has any information they can forward please do so. I am currently seeking legal assistance for this matter. Of course, that will be more money I really don't have. I'm surprised Chrysler is still in existance!
September 30, 2010
Worst service ever
I have financed several vehicles with Chrysler Financial over the last ten years. All are paid except the final one and it has two years remaining. I have made every attempt to stay current on the loan even though I lost my job a couple of years ago. I have to my knowledge kept current except for one occaision now that I am employed again. They have been horrible every time I deal with them. I just hope I can somehow manage to get my last loan paid off. Why the government continues to help the companies rather than the consumers mystifies me. Chrysler should have been allowed to close in my opinion. They have cried "wolf" too many times. I will never buy another product from them.
September 28, 2010
Car Lease
Ok Where To Start..A Few Years Ago I Got Divorced And Had A Car lease Through Chrysler Financial..They Sent Me A Few Statements Here And There But Not Every Month.As I Moved Out Of My Now Ex Wifes House I Contacted Them To Tell Them My New Address Along With Filling Out A Change Of Address Card At My Local Post Office..About A Year Goes By And I Supposedly Missed A Payment In Between My Divorce And Things Going On..They Never Called Me About The Missing Payment So I Kept On Paying Every Month Like I Was Doing..A Few Months Down The Line I Wake Up To My Car Being Repoed..I Contact Chrysler Financial As Soon As They Opened And Said My Car Was Just Taken..They Said We Sent You A Letter 30 Days Ago And You Never Responded..I Said I Never recieved The Letter Or Else I Would Have...Turns Out They Went To My Ex Wifes House The Old Address Which I Told Them About When I Moved..The Certified Letter Was Returned Due To Me Not Living There...They Then Said From Missing One Payment I Was Being Charged 2, 600 Dollars To Get The Car Back..I Needed A Car So My Parents Bailed Me Out And Paid It...Then Come To Find Out That They Never Reported The Repo On My Credit Report And On It Says My Car Is Closed And Paid ..Like I Never Had A Car..I Recently Bought A New Car And My Chrysler Is Just Sitting Here..I Actually Dont Know Where My Payments Are Going Now Because I Never Get Statements...Then Just Last Week I Call The Woman Supposedly In Charge Of My Car..She Tells Me At First To pay 13.000 To Keep My Car...Then Pauses And Says Make That 11.000 ..She Then Says Im Going On Maternity Leave In A Few Weeks So The Person Taking Over For Her Might Follow The Rules And Come Take The Car..I Told Her Come Take It Now..This Is The Very Last Time Im Ever Dealing With Them And Was Wondering If I Have A Lawsuit Against Them...Where I Got My New Car From They Said If They Closed My Account And Is Not Keeping It Up To Date where Are My Payments Going to??
No luck but Bad Luck
September 23, 2010
Bad Customer Service
I have had an acct. with Chrysler Financial for 5 1/2 years. My story may sound like a soap opera, but we have had a string of bad luck. Our home was destroyed by IKE with no insurance have been living in a FEMA trailer for 2 years while fixing up our home with our life savings and any money we can find. My husband was laid off 1 year ago due to his plant closing down and I found out 2 months ago that I have Breast cancer, try getting them to understand that. Everytime they call about a payment they are so rude and you are supposed to pay on time BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! like I don't know that. I would love to pay all my bills on time, but I can only do so much. I offer to pay them a 1/2 of my payment every two weeks instead of the whole thing every month and they told me they can't do that, so they refused my payment and told me they would repo my car for being 41 days past due. The car that takes me to Houston every week for Chemo treatments are they stupid are what!!! And the whole thing is I only owe 7 more payments thats what stinks. I would think they would want their money and not my 6 year old car with 80, 000 miles on it. They are crooks!!! no wonder they are in trouble!!! Rude Rude People need to learn some customer service skills like FORD MOTOR CREDIT!!! Good People There!!!
Aggravated shopper
September 14, 2010
poor collection practices
I am writing this so that anyone considering getting a car using chrysler financial knows what kind of company they will deal with.
My mother in law was killed in a car accident on August 3rd, it was not her fault and was a freak accident where really no one was at fault but she was rear ended by a semi truck. Apparently her car payment of $187.80 was due on Aug. 17th so obviously it was not made and that is where the problems started. On Aug 19th the phone at my mother in laws house started ringing so my brother in law answered( we were all there getting the necessary business stuff taken care of) I cannnot say the exact conversation because I only heard one end of the conversation. However he said that his mother was deceased and that everything involving the estate was going through the attorney. Something else was said on the other end and my brother in law said "thank you" and hung up. OK so no big deal however less than an hour later the phone rang again and it was again chrysler financial and again same story. About an hour later the phone rang again and I answered this time. Again Chrysler financial calling about a "personal business matter" for my deceased mother in law. I again explained and I also said that they have already been told this twice today and I was told the calls are on an automatic dialer and they will put in the notes but we will continue to receive calls until this matter is taken care of. It is now barely past noon and we have already gotten 3 calls not once have they been talked to rudely or disrespectfully, but at this point I felt that the attorney for the estate should be notified which he was. He said if there were any more calls to let him know and he will contact them. At 2:37 that afternoon Chrysler financial called again(4th time) and got the same explanation. The attorney was called and given the number and he said he would contact them. At 5:06 another call(5) by now the attorney had left for the day. 6:12 another call(6) again I answered this one and I swear it sounded like the same person I had already talked to again "personal matter" please call such and such number. I said that the attorney for the estate had already contacted them. Then the gentleman on the other end asked if there was any way I could get onto my mother in laws account on the internet and schedule a payment(I thought this is supposed to be a personal business matter that they could only discuss with mother in law) and I said I would see what I could do. Now I know why they are calling and it is an issue for the attorney for the estate so I was going to wait until the next morning after talking to him. Next morning at 8:03 call number(7) same personal business matter. At 9 we went to the attorneys office and told him what was going on and he contacted chrysler financial with myself and my wife there. I know while he was talking he said he was going to fax it to them and faxed something. He then said all further issues regarding this matter should be brought to him. So we left did a few things and went back to mother in laws gone for maybe 4 hours checked called ID 2 more calls from C.F. and one message total of (9) calls so far in just over a day and a half. Contacted attorney again. No more calls that day. Next morning we had to go home while brother in law and his wife stayed a bit longer. That night my brother in law called C.F. had called 4 times that day(13) in 3 days. They left to go back home but we had left all utilities on until everything was taken care of and that included telephone.
2 weeks later we all came back, this was Sept 4th and on the caller ID there were numerous calls from C.F. there were 36 calls in a two week period that we were not there and then counting when we were we are up to (49) calls. Since it was labor day weekend I could not let the attorney know until Tuesday so we decided to stay the whole week by the way 3 more calls now up to (52). On the final call The guy I talked to, I am positive it is the same guy I already talked to, told me I could make a payment on this account for $187.80 and the collection calls would stop. I counter offered with how about I just have this phone shut off and you deal with the attorney. Was told that if OUR number was on the account they would call us until this account was brought up to date. Tuesday Sept 7th i let the attorney know what was going on and was told they cant do that. I said maybe they cant but they are. We went ahead and had the phone shut off. It could not be shut off until Thurs the 9th, so we waited. 3 more calls(55). Thursday the phone was shut off and Thursday evening the neighbor that lives next door to my mother in laws house came over telling us that she had gotten a call for my mother in law regarding a personal business matter from C.F.
I know that C.F. is due their money but this is a very stressful time for my wifes family as it is and to call over 50 times in less than a month is a bit extreme. I do not understand how they can ignore even instructions from the attorney. They seem to be able to discuss "personal business matters" whenever they see fit and basically demand money from other family members.
I dont know what will end up happening with this mess but after reading MANY complaints regarding very similar collection practices by C.F. I just think anyone considering a loan using them should seriously reconsider
September 8, 2010
On the evening of 08/15/2010 I called your 800 number (1-800-556-8172) to find out what my payoff balance was. The recording told me if paid by the 26th of the month my payoff would be $796.08.
I sent this payment out by check and in the mail on 08/16/2010. I sent it to the address given to me by the recording which I noticed is not the same address I have been making my payments too. Still I mailed it to said address trusting the recording was accurate.
On 08/25/2010 I called to see if my payment had been received. I spoke with Taylor and she stated that my payment had not been received and it was late and asked if I wanted to make a payment. I explained to her my situation and she put me on hold. Once she got back on the phone she said my check was there and was in process, but would not go through until the next day and everything was good and taken care of.
On Monday night (08/30/2010) I got a call from your institution telling me that my bill is past due and there is a $15.00 late charge. Now I’m upset since I assumed everything was taken care of since my conversation with Taylor. I called back the next day (08/31/2010) to talk to the floor manager (Ms. Sanghra) and she tells me I am late and asks if I want to make a payment. At this point I’m still wondering where my check is since it obviously wasn’t received like Taylor had stated prior. It had been 3 weeks since I’d sent out my payoff.
This lack of understanding and knowledge is uncalled for. Had I known sooner that my check wasn’t received I could have stopped payment, but instead I was given the run around.
I will not be paying the $15.00 late fee or any other amount over the $796.08 payoff amount I was quoted by your automated system. Check my payment history, for 5 years I have made my payment on time--everytime--Above my monthly payment amount!
As of this point the initial check has had a stop payment placed on it and my bank has sent off another payoff check to you. I want you to no longer contact me and in return I will never do business with your company again. Sending me off to collections after 3 weeks is uncalled for especially since you can go back and listen to the recorded calls to hear the situation and incompetence of your staff. You have lost a good customer and any referrals.
August 23, 2010
Just had to tell you my leasing experience with Chrysler Financial. I turned my lease in on my 2008 Charger on 6/17/10. The guy I gave the keys to told me I can expect a bill for the turn in fee in around 3 weeks. No biggie.
I got my only correspondence from Chrysler Financial on 7/26/10. It was a statement, not even a bill. The envelope was postmarked 07/21/10. From 7/26 on I received 2 phone calls per day...finally on 7/30 I called them to see why they keep calling, told me I owe them $450.00 for the turn in fee, I said yes I received a statement on it last week...he proceeded to tell me I was supposed to receive a bill from the dealership (really?) well no bill only a statement asked for my checking account number over the phone said no, I will pay this on 8/13 when I get paid stated to give him the checking info and he would post it on the 13th, yeah right Im not stupid. Got upset when I told him I dont give my checking info to anyone over the phone. Told him I would send it out on the mind you the first piece of mail received was 7/26. Received a call on Monday at work after I told them when I was sending out on the 13th. Lane Arnold called and was stalking me at work, told me it was late...said no, just got something in the mail. Told him cease and desist...I have contacted the federal trade commission regarding this issue., they still continued calling. I will never in my life drive buy lease another Chrysler product. I would rather walk. Thank God I bought a GM car.
Lisa C
August 13, 2010
Paid off truck in April as of July 2010 still no title
Paid off a 2004 Dodge truck on 4/21/2010 have never received the title. Have been told by rude customer service first they still didn't have the title from the DMV, then it was mailed in June and if I didn't receive it I will have to call another number, give them a credit card and they will send a duplicate title for $25.00. Asked to speak to supervisor who then told me they would mail another title out on July 9, 2010 at no cost and I would receive it in 7 - 10 days. July 30, 2010 still no title and local DMV still shows a lien on the vehicle. Calling consumer protection agency next to make a complaint. DON'T FINANCE THUR CHRYSLER FINANCIAL EVER!!!
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