I began playing Tibia in 2002 and right off began to realize it had its share of problems. Excessive lag, poor customer relations and very poor customer support.
The in game game masters where rude, extremely ignorant of the English language and very poor in making wise decisions concerning the game play rules. As time went I realized that this company is about money only and not customer satisfaction. Now in 2007 the game has gone downhill. Daily the game is plagued with server login errors, website glitches, deadly game lags and the company who does their premium account signups has had its share of problems.
Peoples accounts have been drained while trying to get a 28.00 premium account which is not worth the money I may add. Some people didnt get a premium at all after paying and those who did get one lost up to 2 weeks total game time due to the login errors on the game. Here is the real kicker, if you complain about them you get banned with no compensation for what you purchased. Basically they dictate to their virtual world what you can and cannot do. Since Germany has no BBB they can pretty much do as they please however due to them having servers based in the USA there is the possibility of having them adhere to US business standards.
Overall rating: 2 out a 10
Suggestion: Play Guild Wars, its a much better and and you get more for your money.
Black Dragon
AKA Wizzard of Tohan