The "Citi" Debit card issued by the Kansas Unemployment Insurance agency to distribute unemployment funds will allow unauthorized withdrawls/charges without requiring a signiture, or security code. They allowed my money to be illegally taken from me when I never used the card anywhere but at my own bank to transfer the funds over. This tells me that either the Unemployment office, the Bank, or Citi is stealing the card numbers, and making fraudulent withdrawls. They allowed six withdrawls in the exact dollar amount that were in my account, immediately after the funds were deposited, within three weeks. This sounds like an inside job.
The real kicker is that in order to report the fraud, I had to cancel the card, was issued a new card, and now the company won't talk to me about the account # that no longer exists!!! And when I spoke to them initially about this (prior to cancelling the card) they told me it would take at least 90 days to recover my money "depending upon how cooperative the other party is". If the "other party' stole money from me, why would I expect them to be cooperative. The company name that supposedly stole my money doesn't appear to actually exist when searched for on As well, the Citi card company's phone message system begins by responding to the effect of "if you are calling about a card that has been lost or stollen..." so obviously I am not alone. On many occasions I have been placed on hold by this company and the KS Unemployment office's phone systems in excess of 45 minutes, and lately the Unemployment Office's phone will hang up on me before I ever get to speak with anyone. Mind you, this is time that should & could be spent searching for a job.
Nearly $1400 has been stollen from me, and from Kansans like myself & my spouse who pay into this system. It was stolen from me during the three weeks following the delivery of our baby. Who could be so heartless? Any recommendations on how to proceed? I feel as though I am at a dead end in the yellow brick road. Steve Six's office can't help me because they can only pursue the Consumer Protection claims, and apparently this does not qualify. Please help!!