This is the message I sent to Citibank, I forwarded it to Good Year as well as Conrad's, I do believe your business will suffer with continued association. Unless people take the time to follow up Good Year is the name that is smeared by this kind of service. Citibank doesn't suffer. I know I will be hesitant to do business again because of this. I will seek out another Center that does not do business with Citibank where I can get a 90 days same as cash card to use.
After approx. 5 years I returned to Good Year for car service. I last used my Good Year credit card in 2002. Tuesday 6/5 at Conrad's of Elyria Ohio Broad St. store, I had tires put on my car as well as maintenance done, I re-applied for a card only to be told I already had an account, it was re-activated and I was given an acct. number over the phone to give to Conrad's to pay for my purchases. Wed. 6/6 the number I was given was refused, again we call only to be told I need to re-apply, which I did only to be told I already had an account. We then call and speak to Brandon who apologizes. He states I can now run my card number to pay but he isn't willing to discuss the time I have devoted to Good Year now, he passes me to Whittaker, who states I will be compensated, but doesn't say how, and takes my credit card app. data a third time, states he will fix things and call us back. We waited until 1900 for a call that never came , Good Year at this point owes me for 2 hrs time ($60) and if I have to spend any more time on the phone or at Conrad's taking care of this that figure will increase. While I am happy with Conrad's service I will have to think about using them in the future because of their affiliation with Good Year and the unacceptable treatment I have gotten from Good Year. I will not spend the kind of money you are asking for service and then spend hours of my time trying to pay you. We are now on day 3, I have found out that it is not Good Year that owes me, it is Citibank. I just spoke with Lisa, who stated she was also in contact with Whittaker, stating that he tried to call back and could not get through, we were in the store until 1845 or 1850, no call. Will not discuss compensation of my time spent trying to clear up this comedy of errors. As far as I'm concerned Citi Bank owes me $60, which is approximately what 2 hrs of my time is worth. That is approximately how much time I have spent either on the phone or waiting for Citibank to return calls. I will be sharing this story with Conrad's and Good Year and suggesting that their business will be irreparably damaged by continuing any association with Citibank. This behavior and business practice is unacceptable and I will not tolerate it.