My rent check to my landlord, which I've been paying through online bill pay for nearly 2 years, got sent, somehow, to Bank of America. Bank of America, who I had a credit card account with, took the check, looked up my name I guess, and cashed the check - even though it was payable to my Landlord. Now you'd think if someone personally handled the check, which they would have had to, would have noticed the mistake and returned the check. Nope it got cashed by them and credited to my credit card payment. Citibank treated me like crap, gave me the run around, and never resolved the problem with a reasonable answer as to how my rent check got into he hands of Bank of America. Furthermore, I want to know why, when Bank of America got it, they didn't return it since it was not made out to them. After months of pursuing this Bank of America finally issued me a refund, but they CHARGED ME as cash advance fee for the refund. They also charged me an "over my credit limit" fee when the check was DEPOSITED (yes, deposited, not withdrawn).
There's more to this story than anyone will admit. I think someone stole the check out of my landlords mailbox and cashed it at the Bank of America bank in New Jersey, which was the mark on it. THERE WAS NO SIGNATURE on the back of the check. There is no way Bank of America would have been able to deal with that check made to my landlord and without any Bank of America account number on it.
I wrote to Citibank Corporate and got a crappy letter back, not even signed, and with no one to contact, saying that the matter was resolved. I never got anything from Bank of America.
And I'm out $1850 because I got it taken from my Citibank Checking, put into the Bank of America as a credit card payment, then refunded from Bank of America, but they CHARGED me $1850 as a cash advance for the refund check. so at this point Bank of America owes me $1850. Citibank refuses to handle it saying that they are "done" with their part and now I should pursue Bank of America.