I wish to complain Citibank Telesales Unit (MTTS) / CPP Acquisition Sales Global Consumer Group for not hesitating to waste my time and effort to be a customer of their! Couple of months back, i had submitted applications for citibank credit card and had been rejected for no reason. My application to UOB had went through. Then, in september, a telesales executive by the name of Evin called me to tell me the following: "Mr Seet, i am aware that you had applied for our credit card recently and had been rejected. We had reconsidered your application and would like to offer you our credit card. Would you like to take up our offer? " I replied yes. After which, i informed them that i had since moved on to another company with a 30% pay rise and still under probation. They inform me that it is ok as long as i provide the documents to them and sign and fax by the application to them. Due to my busy work schedule and the hassle of gathering the required documents. It was really tough to finally pull everything through to them. And eventually 2 week later, all i got was a "sorry to inform you we unable to grant you an approval for the application" . ???? What? I cannot understand this? This was a complete waste of time! How can they offer me something and then not giving it to me? It not like i insist i want it right??!
Please citibank, if you read this, do me a favour. BLACKLIST ME, BAN ME, DON"T EVER CONTACT ME THRU AGENCIES OR THRU YOUR OWN PRINCIPLE TO TELL ME YOU HAVE A CREDIT CARD PROMOTION!! The last thing i want from you is your credit card period.