Citi SOLD this card to our family as a 'no limit' card. We believed and trusted them, so we used it exclusively as our only card. We are top-consumers: extremely high credit, never late on payments, never even carry a balance, use the card A LOT. All is going well until...
1) Citi evidently changes the card benefits and decides to remove the 'no limit' feature.
2) Citi does not tell us about such change in the card terms (evidently they are not 'OBLIGATED' to do so.
3) When we contact customer service, they tell us conflicting an confusing information. One rep says that a payment is required (even thought the statement is not due). A second rep tells us we have $2-$4K left on the card.
4) The card gets DECLINED!!!
OUTRAGEOUS. Even though we focus on the facts and explain our problem, the representatives are completely CONDESCENDING!!! They treated us like we were idiots.
Though credit card companies don't have a glowing reputation, we did eveything right and were still treated like dirt.
I now plan to contact my congressional representative to push for credit card reform. Enough is enough! We bail out these companies, and they treat EVERYONE like an idiot and like they are doing us a favor!!!