I received in the mail Friday 6/17/11; a letter from Citicorp with my name, address, apartment number, city and state. Citicorp claimed I authorized a transaction for payment of $100.00 which will be presented for payment on transaction date, Tuesday 6/21/2011. Transaction Number 24646119612. Transaction Amount $100.00. the letter states, "Please make sure you have sufficient funds in your ACCOUNT on that date to cover the payment." This letter is by
G. Stevens, Vice president of Citicorp. Citi wants me to send a Correspondenc to: Card Service Center, PO Box 6276, Sioux Falls, SD 57117. The letter states if I have any questions about this transaction, please call the toll free number below. I Call this company and talked with a Travis at 1-800-733-1116. He wanted my social security number and account number. I had no account number. Travis persisted to ask for my social security number. I told him, I didn't know who he was, that's important information, and I was not giving it out. I HAVE NO ACCOUNT WITH THIS COMPANY, NOR HAVE I MADE A TRANSACTION!!!