June 28, 2010
Stay away at all costs
Clark Pest Controls claim to guarantee 100% satisfaction on every service they perform is simply false. As a result of their treatments in our home, we have incurred more than $60, 000 worth of damage, and Clark refuses to accept any responsibility. To add insult to injury, we just learned that last December Clark, unilaterally and without telling us, terminated our post-treatment termite inspection and warranty.
Last fall Clark fumigators tented our home in San Jose, and in the process blew throughout the premises massive amounts of highly toxic Rapid Set Cement powder that they had dumped in our attics to track termites. The cement dust permeated every crack and crevice in the house, and our eyes, noses and throats burned from the exposure to the chemicals. A massive cleanup effort was needed, and we could not live in our home for more than two months, which included the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
Despite many requests to Clark, we were forced to clean up a good portion of the mess ourselves. The two contractors hired on Clarks behalf (Anderson Group International and FRSTeam) refused to clean up some of the damage, and the services that they did provide were abysmal; in addition to not cleaning up the home very well, many of our personal belongings were damaged or destroyed during the clean up process, and some of our belongings were taken and not returned.
Throughout this ordeal, Clark has steadfastly refused to accept responsibility for the faulty services that they provided, or for the poor performance of the low-bid contractors that they hired. To date neither Clark nor their contractors have reimbursed us for our loss, which totals more than $60k.
Clarks ads state, Clark, we need you, and We guarantee 100% satisfaction on every service we perform. We beg to differ no one needs services like this, and we are anything but satisfied.