It's funny how people tell stories on the net.
Let's hear the real Truth and start with the Following:
1. Tom Williams- Never worked at Classic Muscle, never had a contract to own Classic Muscle, never had stockshare of Classic Muscle and never restored any vehicles at Classic Muscle. Tom Williams was Mr Nezers PO, probation Officer as he was a supposed partner. Mr. Nezer was on probation for playing Texas Hold'em in a hotel room in Maitland Fla with some guys. (opertating a Gambling House). Which he transfered to TN and did all the requirements presented by the law and Judge.
The problem with Tom Williams was he never sent the paperwork to Fla, showing Mr Nezer completed his probation. So, on March 8th 2007
he was sent back to Fla and found not guility, because he did complete
everything as instructed. And while in TN, Tom Williams not even majority owner of Classic Muscle, became President on May 21, 2007; taken over the bank account and even filed bankrupcty all by May 23, 2007.
2. Mr & Mrs James Hill, did contract to get there Vehicle restored by Mike Nezer and his staff, each time a phase of the vehicle was completed we had Mr & Mrs Hill sign off and inspect the work. Only then, till Tom Williams took over was there any problems. Mike was in Fla taking care of his court case, false charges. Tom and his Staff never completed any vehicles. They contacted the customers to come get there incomplete vehicles. Still, to today, Mr. Nezer has tried to explain to Mrs Hill, regarding there vehicle and I forgive her not knowing the truth from Tom and his Staff.
3. Mr Vern Winfrey, Oprahs father? On a 73 Mustang Interior job; I was told by Mr Winfrey, that Tom Williams and his staff collected his car and money on Friday and by Tuesday of the next week, declared Bankrupcty. And remember Tom became President on May 21, 2007 and then declared Bankrupcty on May 23, 2007. Something doesn't add up.
4. Staff and Independent Contractors like Matt Cutler, Jeff Whipperman were put on the Classic Muscle bank account to withdraw and write checks. Within the time frame of March 8, 2007 to May 23, 2007, Tom, Matt and Jeff as listed on the bank account pulled out, as reported by: U.S. Bank, $126, 000.00. All the assets of Classic Muscle and even the personal collections and investment of Mr Nezer was, stolen, taken and even given away by Tom Williams and his staff.
Staff personal like Missy Hollifield - marketing dept and Tom Williams signed contracts with AT&T Bellsouth to continue large Yellow page advertising which was charged to Mr Nezer. Documenation of the Contracts, Sales Rep and even signatures from Missy Hollifield has been reviewed.
Every Contractor, Staff and employee has been paid for all work completed. Copies of the Checks, time cards and contracts will verify this documentation. It has been communicated to Mr Nezer, that Tom Williams and his payroll staff did not pay as promised. Vehicles were not completed as promised; parts, tools and assets of Classic Muscle were taken. It was noted, some contractors and staff did leave once this started, as Tom Williams and his Staff took over as of March 8th, 2007.
5. As you can see, the dates, bankrupcty filing, and instructions by the bankrupcty Trustee, Susan Limor: and I quote "Classic Muscle -Tom Williams- should never had filed Bankrupcty" Susan Limor: attorney at law, even instructed Mr Nezer and one other person that she could hand it back to Mr Nezer. By then Tom Williams had Sold, Taken, given away everything. He was even told, by some staff employees, and contractors, what about the Customers, Tom and his attorney Joe Rusnak: of Tune Enterkin & white PC advised everybody "to bad".
Please note: The name Classic Muscle is trademarked. (tm)
A long story short, we have all the Documenation to prove our case. And in Court and on Channel 5 News, the Truth will finally be heard.