Some how I got sucked up into a trial for Cleansgold and Oxi-Berry from a website - for 1 dallah. Yeah ... When I saw the two $1.00 dollar charges - after it came through my account, I called the 800 numbers. Believe it or not I got a person with a heartbeat, he told me I would be receiving my trial one month supply of the two products within a few days. Well ... the few days passed- and the 15 day trial date end was approaching so I called and canceled, because I ddnot receive either product. Than about a week later, the Cleansgold came and the next ox-berry. I didn't open either box, since I canceled the subscription and sent refused delivery. About two weeks latter I get two charges for $88.87 ... for the products ... I called all of the differants - even the box they came with had another number. After waiting for what seemed like an hour or two - I did get someone on the phone - and started to tell them - that I had canceled the trial before the 15 days - without even hearing me out - they transferred me to their automatic VRU. o again I entered my credit card number - and even their voice response unit (VERU) confirmed my subscription was canceled. It was canceled well before the 15 days were even up - I called again - same thing - no one wanted to speak about about my refund.
Called my bank - they went ahead and reversed the charges - and sent me the forms to fill out my complaint. Meanwhile - another set of charges came - same amount, but under a differant company name. That was last week ... again - called the bank - again they reversed the charges, but this time the charges were from a differant company name but same products. This morning - I looked at my account - again same charges plus two new ones for $3.95, for shipping and handling.
I called my bank - they said the only thing to do is cancel the card and report them to the BBB. I urge all of you to do the same ... these guys are very persistant and have a slew of companies - to get around charging your account - even though they are all under the same umberella corporation - and never believe a company that says it conly costs 1 dallah ... and charge you 88 times it's value ... go with reputable companies - and the only way out is to cancel your account - report the incident to your bank and the BBB and places like this!!!
It's not over yet ... I am still dealing with it ... who knows what tomorow will bring.